Level 72
to level 73


whatever man
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longray on Friday July 6, 2012
come back to kdice and i will show you what a real blowjob is.
m-flo on Monday August 23, 2010
I miss you baby! :(
trendz on Tuesday June 15, 2010
Worst player ever!
Snookie208 on Saturday December 26, 2009
Kam you tried to let another player farm me after I had clearly flagged. That was bogus and I was 100% allowed to fight back. You're "interpretation" of what was fair was a lousy solution. I had defeated a player who would not respect me in the first place. To demand that I then must "Respect my flag" is LUDICROUS. Can you understand that?
TheBetterYodel on Friday December 25, 2009
awsome player.. always fun to play with.. as friends or foes.. trustworthy to his word
Jazcan on Friday December 25, 2009
Good player, and true to her edit: *HIS word.
wisp on Friday December 25, 2009
two games hes truced now. Eat a dick, and your name is retarded. I fucked your sister.
Fullmetal on Thursday December 24, 2009
gave me a very nice blowjob.
sam ww on Tuesday December 22, 2009
Tuscony on Monday December 7, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary