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Ahhh ahahaah hahaah ahaha ahaahah ahahaah hahaah ahaha ahaahah ahahaah hahaah ahaha ahaahah ahahaah hahaah ahaha ahaahah ahahaah hahaah ahaha ahaahah aahah hahahaaha ahahah! I'm still laughing for the payback you deserved, didn't you? Go to play Barbie, little chicken.
qazqaz on Wednesday April 14, 2010
What a total idiot, waste of human life!
DON5ID2 on Tuesday September 29, 2009
Noob, and makes pussy truces.
Brewer480 on Wednesday September 23, 2009
Reviews 1 - 1 of 1 Wow, what a nice and creative review ! I would really appreciate you to come around for tea some day. Just send me a message to my email address and I will send you my home address. I have some nice darjeeling tea. Also Assam. Or do you want coffee ? I really really would like to have some talk with you. you seem to be pretty intellectual. We could talk about recent politics, or maybe classical music. I think that would be nice. And thank you for being so polite !
grigir on Friday September 19, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary