Level 51
to level 52

John Milton

The worst vice is advice.
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An honourable and respectable player. PS from what I saw, John Milton did not backstab anyone in a game with me, HotDip and Blaineon007.
rekcuskciduoy on Sunday November 13, 2011
HotDip on Sunday November 13, 2011
Blaineon007 on Sunday November 13, 2011
I agree with the last one but I'll add to it, you definately don't want this guy as an enemy, but you couldn't do better for an ally
Alpha Ranger on Friday October 28, 2011
awesome dude and hell of a fighter!
losemaker on Friday October 28, 2011
seems nice guy..nice playing with him..)
beatol on Tuesday October 18, 2011
pga playing with captain falcor
Jorgo is back on Monday September 5, 2011
Another top order CUNT - jeese this guy is fucking himself and loving it - prick
Golddachs on Wednesday August 17, 2011
I'd leave you a good review too but then people would say we're PGA! :P j/k you play well, just don't get too cocky :)
mindl4pse on Wednesday August 17, 2011
i once saw him hugging a small deer, he said they were just friends but they were hugging very .. um .. intimately at the time
Jund on Friday June 10, 2011
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