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this guy is a piece of shit. go spank your mothers baby ido
squidmaster on Monday August 17, 2009
Don't trust him. Backstabs late-game. SamuelOMG on Wednesday August 12, 2009 and you're talking about not trusting me...accept the fact that u were losing and everyone wants it to end...
sa|ch| on Wednesday August 12, 2009
nice ass
UnholyConfession on Wednesday August 12, 2009
Don't trust him. Backstabs late-game.
SamuelOMG on Wednesday August 12, 2009
good player, respect flags
Sinzap on Monday July 6, 2009
Nice player - honours flags and is respectful
Bec on Monday June 8, 2009
NEVER TRUST HIS WORD. He makes alliances and then backstabs.
CIovinator on Friday June 5, 2009
Im sure ido is a good player because roll over has said bad words about him, Please ignore roll overs comment on here, he repeats whatever you write on his wall onto yours. and has accused myself of racist comments. Roll over should be ignored at all costs
DonBonjourno on Friday May 8, 2009
if you trust his word on a flag, you're making a mistake
Roll Over on Friday May 8, 2009
polite player who also knows the game!
ImbettathanAnish on Thursday May 7, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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