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Too Gay

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farq on Saturday September 29, 2012
2012-09-28 While Too Gay doesn't go as far as to become a "useful idiot," he does appear to be an "innoxious and ineffectual character." His pretense of agreeing with me while condemning me led to his review of me: "Tense." Too Gay thought it was too much effort to call out the bad actors on Kdice properly. I say again to Too Gay that I do not need or want his thanks for my work in making Kdice a more fun place to play; knowing that Too Gay is enjoying the benefits of my work is good enough for me. On the other hand, if Too Gay wants to understand the problem with his behavior, let us quote Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Actually, there is no evidence that Burke ever said that, but it is frequently attributed to him. Instead, for the enlightenment of the benighted Too Gay, let us quote a full passage of Edmund Burke... ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ "It is not enough in a situation of trust in the commonwealth, that a man means well to his country; it is not enough that in his single person he never did an evil act, but always voted according to his conscience, and even harangued against every design which he apprehended to be prejudicial to the interests of his country. This innoxious and ineffectual character, that seems formed upon a plan of apology and disculpation, falls miserably short of the mark of public duty. That duty demands and requires that what is right should not only be made known, but made prevalent; that what is evil should not only be detected, but defeated. When the public man omits to put himself in a situation of doing his duty with effect it is an omission that frustrates the purposes of his trust almost as much as if he had formally betrayed it. It is surely no very rational account of a man's life, that he has always acted right but has taken special care to act in such a manner that his endeavours could not possibly be productive of any consequence." ++++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ Finally, so that Too Gay may always refer to his wisdom and moral clarity in the face of bad play on Kdice, below is the review I left for LeBroN FaN #23, the review of which Too Gay became the star actor. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-09-28 LeBroN FaN #23 attacked two players who had flagged to him; LeBroN FaN #23 is a bad 1st place player. LeBroN FaN #23 did not even offer the insipid excuse that he was in a hurry to end the game. His excuse is the excuse of all bad 1st place players: he "knew" that I had 2nd and the other guy had 3rd. LeBroN FaN #23 should learn and follow my motto: WHEN 1ST IS IN HAND LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE UNLESS ATTACKED OR STALEMATE. Otherwise, LeBroN FaN #23 is just a hypocrite because HE wouldn't want to be treated that way. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. LeBroN FaN #23 is red, I am green, Too Gay was not playing in the game--he is just observing. ++++++++++ LeBroN FaN #23: im hugging green^ ;p ---------- Too Gay: nice win red ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: not yet ---------- Too Gay: now for sure ---------- Too Gay: blue needs a cut ---------- piers plowman: bam ---------- AppsSuck: flag red ---------- Too Gay: lol ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: k ---------- piers plowman: flag red ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: k ---------- Too Gay: Too Gay: nice win red ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: ;p ---------- 3.14159: flag red ---------- Too Gay: poor cut blue ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: u wan tht blu ---------- Too Gay: LeBroN FaN #23: u wan tht blu? ---------- Too Gay: blue cant be 2nd ---------- Too Gay: green is ---------- piers plowman: true now ---------- Too Gay: no reflag blue ---------- piers plowman: wanna roll teal? ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: ya ---------- Too Gay: 3rd blue ---------- 3.14159: that is bad 1st place play, red ########## [Note: LeBroN FaN #23 attacks blue and me. We were almost finished with our fight, but LF#23 is a bad 1st place player so he had to attack to guys who had flagged to him.] ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: no ---------- 3.14159: yhes ---------- 3.14159: yes ---------- Too Gay: it was ########## [Note: Too Gay, who has observed the whole game, agrees that LF#23 did the wrong thing.] ---------- 3.14159: attacking two guys who had flagged to you... ---------- 3.14159: when we were almost done ---------- 3.14159: that is bad 1st place play ---------- 3.14159: we had REAL flags up, too ---------- Too Gay: true ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: i new u were 2nd no big deal ########## [Note: Hypocrite LF#23 would not want to be treated that way.] ---------- 3.14159: you mean "knew" of course ---------- 3.14159: but that doesn't help your cause ---------- 3.14159: it was bad 1st place play any way you look at it ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: relax dude ---------- 3.14159: i am quite relaxed, dude ---------- 3.14159: you are nothing new, you know ---------- 3.14159: this is nothing new\ ---------- Too Gay: i was just bad play ########## [Note: Again, Too Gay chimes in that LF#23 made a bad play.] ---------- 3.14159: you are just another example ---------- 3.14159: so i am quite relaxed about it ---------- logicom: hey Mr PI you are round and irational :) ---------- 3.14159: i just point bad play like that when i see it ---------- 3.14159: i also point out chat jerks and web boys when i see them ---------- 3.14159: you are just another one of the 3%, LeBron Fan ---------- 3.14159: not as bad as the chat jerks and web boys, of course ---------- logicom: it is escher go and read ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: im at a 0 table ########## [Note: Another lame excuse: "I am slumming at a 0 table so it doesn't matter what I do." More hypocrisy by LF#23.] ---------- 3.14159: then why attack two players who had flagged to you? ---------- 3.14159: and we were almost finished ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: didnt know u knew how to play ########## [Note: Trying for a clever insult, LF#23 fails.] ---------- Too Gay: you are tense 3.14159 ########## [Note: Too Gay decides that I am too full of myself. He HATES the idea that anyone would think he is better than anyone else.] ---------- 3.14159: not at all--i do this all the time--i am quite happy and relaxed... ---------- 3.14159: about pointing out LeBron Fan's bad play ---------- Too Gay: in that case drop it already ########## [Note: "What is Too Gay, the chat monitor!?! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!?! DOES HE THINK HE IS BETTER THAN ME!?!" See how silly that is, Dear Readers?] ---------- 3.14159: the question is: do we want more bad play like that or less? ---------- 3.14159: mute me, Too Gay ---------- 3.14159: or ignore me ---------- 3.14159: my task is not your task ---------- Too Gay: so you are tense ---------- 3.14159: not at all ---------- 3.14159: i am relaxing with my feet up ---------- 3.14159: and smiling ---------- 3.14159: LeBron Fan should just not be a bad 1st place player ---------- Too Gay: addicted too i guess ---------- 3.14159: he is Level 37, after all--he should know better ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: lol still going on bout it ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- 3.14159: feeling guilty, Lebron Fan? ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: no u got 2nd he got 3rd makes sense ########## [Note: It follow then that 1st place should act on this "knowledge"? Wouldn't it be better to just let it play out? It would for the good 1st place players, but not the bad 1st place players like LeBroN FaN #23.] ---------- 3.14159: why bother to note my "still going on" unless you felt guilty ---------- Turbozorg: dude, would you just quit this game and stop whining ---------- Too Gay: aw poor thing its all going to be allright 3.14159 ########## [Note: Too Gay approaching "useful idiot" territory on behalf of the bad 1st place players.] ---------- 3.14159: ah, so Lebron Fan, you ARE one of those who thinks the 1st place player should decide everything? ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: 1st place does ########## ########## [Note: LeBroN FaN #23 stands firmly on the side of hypocrisy.] ---------- 3.14159: some 1st place players are like that ---------- 3.14159: LeBron Fan thinks we should ALL be like that... ---------- 3.14159: the hypocrite ---------- 3.14159: HE doesn't want to be treated like that when he is fighting for 2nd or 3rd... ---------- 3.14159: but he will do it to others... ---------- 3.14159: simple hypocrisy ---------- LeBroN FaN #23: no one was fighting u moron now gtfo ########## [Note: Not true. We were almost through fighting, but we had a few turns to go. LF#23 is just embarrassed to admit the truth: he is a bad 1st place player.] ---------- Turbozorg: you might me right Pi, but now you just act retard ---------- 3.14159: we were fighting and almost done... ---------- Too Gay: green it was bad play but 3.14159 is not sane ########## [Note: Reason and wisdom are like magic to Too Gay--he just doesn't understand and is mystified by it all.] ---------- 3.14159: blue was about to flag out ---------- LeBroN FaN #23 has left ---------- Too Gay: just ignore the tense troll ########## [Note: Ah, but Too Gay is another hypocrite. He says "ignore him," but he doesn't ignore me.] ---------- 3.14159: you are hanging around, too, Too Gay ---------- 3.14159: not doing anyone any good, of course... ---------- 3.14159: while i am helping kdice ---------- 3.14159: i don't need your thanks, of course ---------- 3.14159: just enjoy the Kdice that i help bring ---------- 3.14159: that is all i ask ---------- Too Gay: just as tense lol ########## [Note: See? He does NOT ignore me even though that is what he told everyone to do.] ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it when guys think that i am full of myself ---------- Too Gay: just forget it ########## ---------- 3.14159: that is a good thing--it means they still have some humility ---------- 3.14159: they have some sense of right and wrong ---------- 3.14159: that is good ---------- Too Gay: stop ########## [Note: Wonderful.] ---------- 3.14159: okay, if you say "please" ---------- 3.14159: you haven't said it yet--you just insult ---------- 3.14159: typical internet ---------- Too Gay: plz and relax a bit ---------- Snews88: flag brown ---------- 3.14159: see? you couldn't do it ---------- Turbozorg: thanx ---------- 3.14159: you aren't mature enough ---------- system2: flag brown ---------- 3.14159: you had to say "plz" and you had to add an insult... ---------- Turbozorg: thx ---------- 3.14159: to assuage your feelings ---------- Too Gay: brown or blue winning? ---------- 3.14159: polite, mature people don't do that ---------- Too Gay: brown wins ---------- 3.14159: so the adults in the room have to make a point sometimes ---------- Too Gay: gg brown ---------- 3.14159: NOW you are getting it, Too Gay--ignore the stuff that is inconsequential ---------- 3.14159: that is the mature thing to do ---------- 3.14159: however, chat jerks and web boys and bad 1st place players need to be called out ---------- 3.14159: as a lesson to them... ---------- Too Gay: thought: good boy you stopped ---------- EitchH: qui flag ki? ---------- Turbozorg: jaune et rouge flag moi ---------- 3.14159: and a good example for the 97% who are NOT bad guys ---------- EitchH: blue? ---------- Too Gay: but no the rant goes on lol ########## [Note: I like the embarrassed "lol."]---------- Turbozorg: still fighting with blue ---------- 3.14159: a rant would have no logic, moral base, or meaning... ---------- 3.14159: this was not and is not a rant... ---------- 3.14159: it is an endeavor ---------- 3.14159: it is what i do ---------- 3.14159: check my reviews ---------- Too Gay: rant ########## [Note: At what point was Too Gay supposed to start ignoring me as he said to do?] ---------- 3.14159: i am making kdice better table by table ---------- 3.14159: you enjoy the benefits of my work but don't understand--i get that ---------- Too Gay: rant and tense ---------- 3.14159: you just keep enjoying the better kdice i provide, Too Gay... ---------- 3.14159: that is enough for me ---------- 3.14159: i don't want or need your thanks ---------- Too Gay: lets play dear ########## ---------- 3.14159: lets or let's? ---------- system2: gg ---------- Turbozorg: at last :p
3.14159 on Friday September 28, 2012
kept his word
Lee34 on Monday September 3, 2012
agree with samu15
Schwabba_is_back on Tuesday August 21, 2012
Idiot who want be my pre-game enemy
samu15 on Thursday March 29, 2012
Stupid dumbass, i was second an flagged and he didnt accept as first!?!
AronP on Friday March 2, 2012
joedonahue on Friday January 27, 2012
Doesn't respect flag and PGA with the stupid Mert Konrat who doesn't know how to play Kdice
Lulu Berlu on Thursday December 22, 2011
He's a really good player. We've only played one match but I was impressed.
asíunegri on Thursday December 22, 2011
1st on a 2k XD
Canine42 on Monday June 27, 2011
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