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Deucem wrote
at 2:59 PM, Thursday May 19, 2011 EDT
Can Ryan count?

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ah, Kc]
Deucem raises $200
jerry619 folds
Dave H calls
Two Pines folds
chuna calls
Dealing flop: [Jc, Kh, Qc]
chuna folds
Deucem bets $200
Dave H raises $1,700
Deucem calls
Dealing turn: [Ks]
Deucem checks
Dave H bets $5,000
Deucem raises $17,900
Dave H folds
Dave H stands up
Deucem wins main pot $22,600
Dave H takes a seat
Deucem wrote
at 4:56 PM, Sunday May 8, 2011 EDT
How often do you see this?

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, 5s]
seacol55 calls
Bilot calls
kacha_cha calls
momoneybtw55 calls
Deucem checks
Dealing flop: [6h, 3c, 7s]
momoneybtw55 checks
Deucem checks
seacol55 checks
Bilot checks
kacha_cha bets $200
momoneybtw55 calls
Deucem calls
seacol55 calls
Bilot calls
Dealing turn: [9s]
momoneybtw55 checks
Deucem checks
seacol55 bets $200
Bilot calls
kacha_cha calls
momoneybtw55 calls
Deucem calls
Dealing river: [4d]
momoneybtw55 checks
Deucem checks
seacol55 bets $1,200
Bilot calls
kacha_cha folds
momoneybtw55 raises $2,400
Deucem calls
seacol55 calls
Bilot calls
momoneybtw55 shows [6d, 5c] for a straight seven high
Deucem shows [Kd, 5s] for a straight seven high
seacol55 shows [5d, Td] for a straight seven high
Bilot shows [Kh, 5h] for a straight seven high
momoneybtw55 wins main pot $3,150
Deucem wins main pot $3,150
seacol55 wins main pot $3,150
Bilot wins main pot $3,150
***Insane*** wrote
at 12:54 PM, Tuesday March 1, 2011 EST
Woohoo nice job hun. Congrats and good luck for this month. :o)
starfish_warrior wrote
at 8:54 AM, Tuesday March 1, 2011 EST
congrats deucy!
Deucem wrote
at 4:24 PM, Saturday February 26, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7s, 8s]
Deucem raises $10,000
Donkey Puncher calls
sofoklo calls
ciccia folds
final bullet calls
TheJB calls
Dealing flop: [5s, 6c, 4s]
final bullet bets $5,000
TheJB raises $35,000
Deucem raises $65,000
Donkey Puncher folds
sofoklo folds
final bullet folds
TheJB raises $180,000
Deucem raises $190,500
TheJB calls
Dealing turn: [6s]
Dealing river: [3c]
TheJB shows [3s, Qs] for a flush Queen high
Deucem shows [7s, 8s] for a straight flush eight high
Deucem wins main pot $566,000
Deucem wrote
at 12:37 PM, Tuesday February 22, 2011 EST
Flop from heaven:

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4s, 5s]
billyjack69 calls
ohrchen raises $7,500
Deucem calls
billyjack69 calls
Dealing flop: [3s, 6s, 7s]
ohrchen bets $10,000
Deucem calls
billyjack69 calls
Dealing turn: [7d]
ohrchen bets $10,000
Deucem calls
billyjack69 calls
Dealing river: [Ah]
ohrchen bets $10,000
Deucem raises $50,000
billyjack69 folds
ohrchen calls
ohrchen shows [4h, 6h] for two pair, sevens and sixs
Deucem shows [4s, 5s] for a straight flush seven high
Deucem wins main pot $190,000
Deucem wrote
at 6:35 AM, Saturday February 19, 2011 EST
Bad luck - first hand and out:

Dealing pocket cards: [2s, Td]
Trible-x sits out
Trible-x calls
Dealing flop: [2d, Kh, Th]
Trible-x checks
Trible-x sits in
Deucem checks
Dealing turn: [Ts]
Trible-x bets $1,000
Deucem calls
Dealing river: [6h]
Trible-x bets $4,000
Deucem raises $8,000
Trible-x raises $57,325
Deucem calls
Deucem shows [2s, Td] for a full house, tens full of twos
Trible-x shows [Ah, 5h] for a flush Ace high
Deucem wins main pot $126,650
Trible-x stands up
kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:29 AM, Tuesday February 1, 2011 EST
Nice job! Good luck in Feb...=)
TLP wrote
at 4:03 AM, Tuesday February 1, 2011 EST
Congrats on medal hun, GL for Feb
lynnmay wrote
at 8:04 AM, Wednesday December 1, 2010 EST
woooooooooooooot wtg!!! hugz lynn
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