Level 59
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Keeped his word in my game and flagged after a roll off where he had the advantage.
I will lose on Thursday March 5, 2009
Honorable player.
vvp317 on Tuesday March 3, 2009
pga, doesn't respect flags
imanema on Sunday February 22, 2009
agressive player. but can absolutely be TRUSTed. nice! :o)
OviloN on Sunday February 22, 2009
bastard! says it will flag, so anyone else is counter, 1st tries to help him, and when he sees that he is in a little trouble attacks him! (Not my own games, just watching it!)
Teo_bucuresti on Tuesday February 17, 2009
cunthole that attacked me as i was fighting for the 3 spot.
TomGereffi on Friday February 13, 2009
Good sport!
Gleekin on Saturday February 7, 2009
it looked like this guy was truced early on (though nothing was said), but i flagged and he respected my flag. after reading the other reviews, i have to wonder: did i get lucky? or is platero turning over a new leaf?
existential on Thursday January 29, 2009
PGA and a coward. worst player ever in the history of kDice
Chagri80 on Sunday January 25, 2009
Bad player, PGA and attacks flags, dunno how people like this stays in kdice
JavierPower on Sunday December 28, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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