Level 59
to level 60 |
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Big fucker !
I never attack him i flag for him, i am alone with myu flag but he kill me.
Just a bitch
AsHile on Sunday September 21, 2008 DOES NOT RESPECT FLAGS!
KanD on Tuesday September 16, 2008 FARMER! DOES NOT RESPECT FLAGS!
Tupa bol on Friday August 15, 2008 PGA with /wanted
zsidt on Monday August 11, 2008 PGA with kbinter
Canarioz on Monday August 11, 2008 PGA with BSN and Moravich
Liberowsky on Monday August 11, 2008 Truces with Grau in russian in every game. Basically PGA.
moneymango on Monday August 4, 2008 i can just agree to the other reviews, beware of this guy
xnixnix on Sunday July 6, 2008 See other comments, all true, works with bsn
BGA on Wednesday July 2, 2008 Unfair, doesn´t respect flags.
PGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mace77 on Monday May 5, 2008 |