Level 90
to level 91


naked cept my cowboy boots
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time served +post Bone-Roller 5:17 PM, Wednesday July 27, 2011 EDT
locked thread is locked -post Bone-Roller 5:00 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT

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The fin is a very good kdice player and a gentleman as well. Good luck to you!!
Speed3 on Wednesday January 23, 2008
fin is always good fun on a fishing trip.
Big Jumblies on Saturday January 19, 2008
I went to high school with this kid, he got beat up regularly.
bdwolin on Tuesday January 15, 2008
Jesus serg why don't you just suck his dick.
lesplaydices on Saturday January 12, 2008
Excellent trusthworthy player knows the game and has Honour, which is a rare combination.
Ssergio on Saturday January 12, 2008
nice man,fighter
nexon on Friday January 11, 2008
good guy ;)
beepa on Sunday January 6, 2008
Sea Creatures United
nuflis on Sunday January 6, 2008
I heart him and his yellow fin.
MuffinTop on Saturday January 5, 2008
He is a nice player, maybe plays too much with "the group" lately.
Canarioz on Saturday January 5, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary