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PGA with Tsvototi
aj 14 on Tuesday March 15, 2011
Brutus didnt receive good education. He insult players when he lose, and then complain when you focuse all your attacks on him. I hope he is a only kid and can grow up to become adult. But still, he doesn't take a good way. Anyway, he seems not too bad player. Just has to change his behaviour as fast as possible.
megaprosper on Tuesday July 8, 2008
most likely, brutus is in the wrong
phidan on Saturday May 24, 2008
He's saying he wouldn't let me connect when he SPLIT me, I wasn't connecting through him, I was reconnecting what he split. In fact, I hadn't attacked him the whole game. Just because this guy is on a powertrip sitting in first place doesn't mean he was right. Tell the whole story or don't tell it at all you fucktard.
Brutus2600 on Thursday May 22, 2008
Brutus left a nasty message on my board. And this is what happened and why he left it. We were in a game where there was three of us left. I was the board leader by far. The 3rd guy in the game flagged 2nd to me. Brutus at this time was still not flagged. So at this time I began attacking him. Brutus then starts getting pissed that I was attacking him. During the course of my attacks I split him. Again he starts getting pissed because I was attacking. I told him the reason I was attacking was because he was not flagged and the other player was. So then the next round he flags 2nd also. Now him and the other guy is fighting and I'm letting them. But then he starts trying to connect through me. And I wouldn't allow it. In the first place I didn't have to respect his flag at all when the other guy flagged to me much earlier. But I was willing to let him fight. But I was not willing to let him connect through me. The base that he was using to fight was equal to the base the other guy had so it was an even fight. I was cleaning his three islands which I had seperated. He could have avoided all of this if he had flagged to me when he should have though so he needs to stop bitching.
Mudshovel on Friday May 16, 2008
I'm a total dick in this game. Get used to it.
Brutus2600 on Tuesday May 13, 2008
You are the only one to not like me, Gdott is my friend just screwing around :P. So enjoy your little temper tantrum by yourself.
phidan on Thursday February 14, 2008
Don't cry because people don't like you Phidan ;-) I don't PGE for "no reason" either :-)
Brutus2600 on Tuesday February 12, 2008
LOL, this kid PGE's for no reason, then goes and complains about them with public notes.
phidan on Saturday February 9, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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