Level 99
to level 100

{A}Monkey SLayer

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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 10:34 PM, Monday June 1, 2015 EDT by Pursey
{A}Monkey SLayer has been on here a long while now and has consistently been a high level, competent player who is respectful to others. In addition, he has just managed to come 2nd for May 2015 with only about 48 hours of play, quite exceptional!

This player has been modded by the community

Time served +chat +play +post KDICEMOD 7:19 AM, Friday June 19, 2009 EDT
Blatant PGA, see rules tab -chat -play -post JulesDogg 6:31 PM, Wednesday June 10, 2009 EDT

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Zaentz on Friday March 15, 2013
HeavyMetalManiac on Friday March 8, 2013
pga with murti or some other gay agreements
PerfectI on Sunday February 3, 2013
2013-01-28 {A}Monkey SLayer is a Level 65 (with 7 trophies) chat jerk and Kdice jerk on a 0 table. {A}Monkey SLayer is dishonorable. I'll just call him "Monkey" for short. Please note, Dear Readers, that Monkey has been modded for PGA cheating. We are not surprised at all. In our game today, Monkey accepted a flag and then attacked the player who flagged to him. Why? Because Monkey decided that the player didn't need two bases, but that wasn't Monkey's call to make. If you accept a flag you do not attack; at worst, you ask the guy before taking his stuff. Monkey is too childish and selfish to ever think of others, though. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ [Note: All but two players have flagged to Monkey. Monkey acknowledged and accepted the flags. Monkey then attacks green who had flagged to him. I withdraw my flag to Monkey and warn him I am going to fight him. That is more than Monkey did to green whom he attacked without warning or asking.] ---------- 3.14159: let's fight, purple ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre a terrible player if you think i shouldnt do what i can to get first ########## [Note: To Monkey that includes attacking a player whose flag he accepted.] ---------- 3.14159: you should do what you SAY you will do ---------- 3.14159: you have no honor ---------- 3.14159: you accepted his flag and then attacked him ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: says the guy who "withdrew" his flag ---------- Dendore: oh so now you abide by flags? ---------- 3.14159: yes, you have no honor and deserve no consideration ---------- Dendore: only when convenient to you? ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: i dont give a shit about you whining over youre other base ########## ---------- 3.14159: you were modded for PGA--no surprise ---------- Dendore: lol ---------- 3.14159: then don't whine now purple ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and fight ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre the one whos crying ---------- 3.14159: i am the one who is stopping you from getting 1st [Note: And I did.] ---------- 3.14159: eat that ---------- Dendore: brown can i come up east? ---------- Balthazard: i think 3rd is enogut fair for u mate ########## [Note: Another bad high level player, Balthazard is the type of 1st place player who wants to decide who gets what place.] ---------- 3.14159: flag brown, by the way ---------- 3.14159: oh, no--brown is a bad 1st place player too? [Note: Said after I noticed that Balthazard wanted to decide who got 3rd.] ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre a bad player at any position ---------- Balthazard: MOnk is good player and resful [Note: "resful"?] ---------- Balthazard: i know him ########## [Note: Two "high" level guys playing on a 0 table and helping each other--no surprise. That is what they are used to doing on the higher tables.] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: and the most dishonorable scum ive met ########## [Note: Monkey met me? When was that? I played Kdice against him, but I don't believe we met. Oh, Monkey doesn't know the difference.] ---------- 3.14159: no, i am the garbage man, purple, and YOU are the garbage ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: thanks balt ########## ---------- 3.14159: you accept a flag ad then attack ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: he made a base elsewhere [Note: That base was there for most of the game.] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: i dont give a shit if he starts whining ########## [Note: Monkey wants what he wants when he wants it--just like a 5-year- old. Other people? They don't exist.] ---------- 3.14159: that is NOT your decision to make ---------- 3.14159: it is his ---------- Balthazard: show ur 3rd mate.. ########## [Note: This was ridiculous. Balthazard and Monkey have almost all the land, Balthazard has 1st in hand, green and I have already flagged to him, but Balthazard makes a big show of worrying about a real flag. How pathetic is that?] ---------- Balthazard: green ---------- Dendore: i dont flag purple ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: my decision is to go for first and not let some whiny bitch interrupt is ########## [Note: Self-delusional self- justificiation--Monkey is GREAT at that.] ---------- Dendore: ill show 2 when i can ---------- 3.14159: then stop whining, purple ---------- Balthazard: 2 vs 1? ########## [Note: More silliness from Balthazard. Monkey had at least 12 lands, green and I had 5 or fewer by that point. Balthazard is again trying to make any excuse to butt in when he shouldn't. Balthazard is a bad 1st place player AND is just helping his good friend Monkey under a pretext.] ---------- Balthazard: show 3rd ---------- Balthazard: plz ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: is it not obvious that these 2 are the worst scum there is ########## [Note: Monkey a little wound up now! He goes over the top he is so emotional.] ---------- 3.14159: wow, two really bad kdicers at one table--high level, of course ---------- Dendore: let me fight brown ---------- 3.14159: blat has no honor either--forget it ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: seriously red ########## [Note: SERIOUSLY! I win again; Monkey loses the chat game right there.] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: just shut the fuck up ########## [Note: Monkey is MAD now. Good.] ---------- 3.14159: they are lost causes ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre the least "honorable" player here ########## [Note: What do you think, Dear Readers? Is he right? Is Monkey accepting a flag and then attacking the person whose flag he accepted more honorable than pointing at Monkey and calling him dishonorable?] ---------- 3.14159: Monk has no honor ---------- 3.14159: and Balt appears to be almost as bad ---------- 3.14159: they both make excuses for their selfish behavior ---------- 3.14159: convenient, eh? ---------- Balthazard: i only didn't want 2 vs 1 ########## [Note: Not believable. Together we had 5 lands or so to Monkey's 12 or more lands. Balthazard was just helping his odious friend, Monkey.] ---------- Dendore: give his "friend" 2nd... its why this game has a bad community ---------- Balthazard: i spend about the other reason [Note: "Spend about"?] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: this games "bad" community is pieces of shit like red ########## [Note: Monkey sure HATES being called out for his bad behavior. Good.] ---------- 3.14159: i am the garbage man, Monk, you are the garbage ---------- 3.14159: look at my track record of going after bad guys like you ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: shut the fuck up ########## ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre a moron ---------- Dendore: brown by attacking me you made it 2v1 ---------- 3.14159: Monk is a chat jerk, too--of course ---------- 3.14159: Balt is bad too--forget it ---------- 3.14159: Balt is just defending another bad high level player ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: flagging doesnt make you magically invulnerable ---------- 3.14159: that is what they do ---------- Balthazard: hahah xD u are funnt PI ---------- 3.14159: accepting a flag means something--just not to you, Monk ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: only the right thing to do if the rest are garbage like you ########## [Note: Monkey has it backwards--HE is the garbage, I am the garbage man. HE attacks players whose flags he has accepted; I point at him and say that is what he did.] ---------- Balthazard: but no.. no is my intention that ---------- 3.14159: Balt you are wrong--forget it ---------- 3.14159: you have no standing ---------- 3.14159: you back up a guy who accepts a flag and then attacks ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: no you are wrong and a terrible person ########## [Note: Monkey thinks repeating things is the same as being right? No, he just learned to do it as throughout life he has had to deny, deny, deny. That is, Monkey has learned over and over that when he did all the bad things he has done that sometimes he can get away with it by going on the offensive and denying everything.] ---------- 3.14159: how bad is that, Balt? ---------- 3.14159: i am the sheriff, you are the bad guy, Monk ---------- 3.14159: look at my record ---------- Dendore: let me fight brown ---------- Dendore: im coming through to purp ---------- 3.14159: you are just another 3%er, Monk ---------- Balthazard: show ur 3rd ########## [Note: Again Balthazard the Ridiculous brays out. See also 'Au Hasard Balthazar.'] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: you are a piece of shit and i dont give a fuck about your imaginary record of anything ########## [Note: Ignorant chat jerk that he is, all Monkey can do is act like the child that he is and try name-calling instead of reason, logic, and wisdom.] Dendore: no ---------- 3.14159: Balt is nearly as bad ---------- Balthazard: i said u time ago ---------- Dendore: kill me if youre going to be a dick ---------- Dendore: just trying to give your friend 2nd ---------- Dendore: lame ---------- Balthazard: i dind't want waste more time ########## [Note: ALL bad 1st place players say that. They can waste time playing Kdice, of course, but they wants what they want when they wants it otherwise.] ---------- 3.14159: Monk is really excited and mad--good ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it when they get mad ---------- 3.14159: it means i did my job ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: youre a delusional retard who doesnt have a life ########## [Note: Chat jerks ALWAYS try that at some point--"you don't have a life." Again, Monkey can spend his life being a chat jerk and a Kdice jerk and that is a life, but stopping bad guys like Monkey is not a life. No serious person would agree with Monkey.] ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer: i think im the winner here ########## [Note: Yes, to Monkey getting 2nd on a 0 table by being dishonorable is "winning." He has convinced himself of this. Of course he would have had 1st if he hadn't been dishonorable.] ---------- 3.14159: AND Monk got 2nd instead of 1st ---------- Balthazard: moreover u lost ur fight so ---------- 3.14159: i WON my fight ---------- 3.14159: the chat fight ---------- {A}Monkey SLayer has left ########## ---------- 3.14159: i KILLED you two ---------- 3.14159: you were crushed ---------- 3.14159: Balt and Monk were CRUSHED by me ---------- 3.14159: "moreover" [Note: Balthazard showing how refined he is--"moreover."]
3.14159 on Monday January 28, 2013
Attacked me after he accepted my flag because he "needed to do whatever he could to get 1st"... and he didn't get first...
Dendore on Monday January 28, 2013
pga, a little fucking cunt
Luxie on Wednesday January 16, 2013
I take back what I said about AMS, he is a cool guy. I was angry.
huIk on Wednesday December 5, 2012
Fucking backstabber !
Sundabeeeeam on Wednesday December 5, 2012
backstabber and pga
@asd_asdfg123 on Wednesday December 5, 2012
Fucking asshole that cannot tell when someone is trying to be nice to you. Fuck Off!!! Damn it I agreed to to 3/4 roll with murti. And then you freak the fuck out?
ink09 on Thursday November 29, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary