![]() Level 21
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.leecherhAtErS gOnNa HaTe
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. This player has to be the outcome of incest fro several generations. He'll pretend to flag u and then stab u in ur back. On top of that this duplicitous son of a bitch is unfriendly and vulgar as hell is hot. I hope that i never have to sit with him at the same table again.
hxn on Saturday July 24, 2010 asshole
-jopan- on Sunday July 11, 2010 don't know how the game works, or better, he does, but he is a real asshole. DOES NOT RESPECT ANY FLAG, EVEN IF UP. stupid kid thinking that he's got the power. just a computer game kid, go and buy a social life
nofx on Sunday July 11, 2010 really fag. i flaget him, helped to get 1st. then i won roll for 2/3 and he killed me for nothing.
Maser on Saturday July 10, 2010 to many pga's, this fag should be ban
eVoVanHellsing on Saturday July 10, 2010 pga with shorez and crankG
BonneChance on Tuesday July 6, 2010 yeah, pga with shorez
WSimicz on Monday July 5, 2010 PGA with shorez
kalande on Monday July 5, 2010 A real piece of shit
Mountainman on Sunday July 4, 2010 fucking retarded asshole
shorez on Sunday July 4, 2010 |