Level 97
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Backstabber. No respect for flags.
suprememaster on Saturday April 28, 2012
Fucking Idiot, I was offered a truce to kill him. I refused and flagged him and he came after me. What a fucking moron. Take the truce and kill this noob.
mar101 on Monday February 13, 2012
Backstabber. No respect for flags.
CammellRoeg on Monday January 16, 2012
don't understant how he can win and lie He don't respect rules and what flag is !!!!! VERY BAD PLAYER!!!
lcpn1 on Saturday November 5, 2011
great player, was pleasure mate
Unfortunate on Wednesday October 19, 2011
This is the second good review I'm leaving you. We should be friends, beeyotch! Anyways, GREAT PLAYER!! WOULD PURCHASE AGAIN.
Ampyxx on Monday October 10, 2011
nice player, despite being the dark lord of mordor :p
OneShot7 on Sunday September 25, 2011
good guy
Erving Goffman on Friday July 29, 2011
very good player
holinux on Thursday July 7, 2011
Moron, take 10 minutes to take a decision, you play nice, you let him thinking, then he backstabb. PGE biatch
stakaboo on Thursday June 16, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary