Level 32
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there is no difference between Raekwon being a member of the band or member of crew known as Wu Tang Clan, nice try on being a semantics whore, moron
Hunken on Sunday September 20, 2009
TheBetterYodel on Thursday August 27, 2009
cool player - smart on the board - polite and funny in chat - and a cool looking avatar with spikey hair - not much else you can ask from kdice
IndianCountry on Sunday June 28, 2009
Thank you Dhop :)
riskmaster on Saturday June 27, 2009
what a fucking cunt, backstabber and liar. said he respect my flag (flag was up) and then attack me and dont let me fight the both who attacks me. kill this idiot always first if you see him. what an asshole.
Unknown Pornstar on Thursday June 25, 2009
TylerD on Saturday June 6, 2009
Mong, flid, spaz, homo and gimp. Trotskeyite, troglodite, sodomite, anti-semite, trilobite, termite and marmite. And his mum farts a lot. Rectal receiving, anal-prolapsing cucumber arse-fuckee and gonad-sucker. Total tosser, loser and probably Welsh. Did I mention that his mum farts a lot? Take him out first to hear him squeal. It's funny.
lkjhlh on Friday May 29, 2009
Sorry about the PGA. SC for life.
BlackHoleSun on Tuesday May 5, 2009
sry, wrong player
-Donatello- on Tuesday May 5, 2009
dood is cooool
greekboi on Tuesday April 7, 2009
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary