Level 46
to level 47


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bad player moron flaged and kill you big lair player!
bivo on Tuesday June 11, 2013
bad player, dont trust
Mr. Anderson on Sunday June 2, 2013
pedophile worshipping arab scum, wipe this vermin off the face of the game and the planet, backstabbing muslim cunt
irishrugby on Friday March 15, 2013
jesus christ, first time in my life Im meet so stupid player, damn
dirtyrolls on Thursday January 24, 2013
soesnt respect flags
fbg on Monday January 7, 2013
Cirdan on Tuesday January 1, 2013
If you know any information as to the whereabouts of this man, please contact the police.
Revoltechs on Sunday December 23, 2012
he shows absolutely NO RESPECT. He got the first place and want to force me to take 3nd. If not he will destroy me, what he finally did. Such people destroys the fun of playing this. Its a game, play it, not just win it.
shiizuka on Monday April 30, 2012
Doesn't respect flags at all....
MeeSHaK on Friday January 27, 2012
backstaber, FUCKER
Riles P on Thursday December 8, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary