Level 35
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Best backstabber I ve ever seen...
coger on Monday May 21, 2012
backstabber. kills flagged players.
evilmorte on Monday May 21, 2012
Kills flagged players. DO NOT TRUST!!!
Ax Cx on Wednesday October 12, 2011
pga with lemen24
suPErNINja on Friday August 19, 2011
fucking backstaber dont respect flag
Grimss on Friday July 22, 2011
fucking backstaber, you fucked my game in the tournament, but we will see us again and you won't have any chance next time. If this guy is sitting on your table. Kill him. !!Peace of Shit!!!
PaRapMC on Friday November 26, 2010
Watched him in a tournee backstab. what a sucker!!!!!
phillibilli on Friday November 26, 2010
another idiot
vIRGI on Friday August 7, 2009
stole my avatar, doesnt respect flags and throughout the game made threats to teal about "spunking on his kidneys" and then "shoving his cock up his fat arsehole" unless he flagged
cunthair3 on Monday June 1, 2009
Asshole, trucemonkey and PGA with timmmmmmmaaayy.
SyphiIis on Monday March 2, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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