Level 53
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I've never backstabbed a soul, you can see Rafkrik went around backposting his own reviews on other players.
Krangar on Thursday April 25, 2019
Backstabber. He flagged me, then stacked dice and killed me as I was fighting.
Rafkrik on Tuesday April 23, 2019
Hello man. With all respect, it's sad to see how people can be manipulated... Yes i used a proxy one time (when i discovered his cheat and it's not good i confess and i will dont use it again) but it's nothing if i compare to Kamikaze and his 3 or 4 accounts !!! It's just mad how people can be manipulated... It's me who wanted to exceed the points of kamikaze he earned with his proxy accounts, not the inverse. He tried to be the victim whith a lot chat talking. I came in this game 3 months ago and at the beginning, i thought kamikaze was joking but he really hate me. Why ? I don't know. He created before me an alt account to be first in this table and it's me the cheater ? The worst it's he created an account jackfrac to make a fake accomplice of me... If you see his old reviews, you will see he made others PGA before, but it's not really a proof, what i saw was obvious. This guy have a real problem in his head. I just wanted to play quiet. If you want to believe it, it's your choice. But me i'm worthy and i know he's a cheater. Don't care of the points of view of people. I know he have a sad life. Sadness reality of Internet... I have nothing to hide, i can talk with phone if you want even if my english is bad. PS : he speaks of my mother he don't know on my profile with his alt account brownfin. Thanks kamikaze ! And it's me the sad old guy...
RocknTroll on Wednesday November 28, 2018
STABER... evry game stab !!!! BAD PLAYER !!!!
No Respect on Tuesday December 20, 2016
you left this on my page "Was in last, decided another player in the game should win simply because they were level 75 and suicided on me and flagged out" First, i didnt flag out, teal killed me. Second, earlier in game i attacked you from the south when brn, you, and red were attacking teal (3vs1). Brn then defended you and killed my south lands. After brn sat out i suicided (rather nicely i might add) after you left yourself open. I have no issue with you just clearing things up peace!
earthship65 on Thursday October 6, 2016
Updating a previous review... Actually not that bad of a person. Technically.
Paperboy on Thursday June 16, 2016
Is there anything this guy wont whine about?
bobajob on Tuesday May 17, 2016
Harlequin UZ's turn. Krangar defeated 3v7, 12 to 11, (6,2,4 to 1,3,1,3,1,1,1) Sorry.
Harlequin UZ on Tuesday February 16, 2016
backstabber and pgaer, idoit mankey brain
chiefKeef on Wednesday December 16, 2015
PGA SHIT ON ZERO TABLE, idiot monkey brain
Kurton on Tuesday December 15, 2015
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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