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Likes to control the table, will disrespect your flag if he feels someone else attacked him less.
treehugger on Thursday May 22, 2008
Henrik, you are a dank cesspool brimming with raging anger and fetid misogyny. From our encounter it is clear that you have a limited vocabulary and an even more limited mental capacity so I will save you a trip to your dictionary. Misogyny: (noun) hatred of women. You wouldn't want to dirty your "like new" dictionary now, would you? Why sully the cleanest object in your grandma's basement? The only things cleaner than your books (which you never read - they were all hand-me-downs from your illiterate parents) are the not-so-soft tissues in their no-brand boxes waiting anxiously to receive your hot, worthless seed. These tissues (which your grandmother received for free at the gas station where she buys gas for her pinto a quarter of a tank at a time because you don't have your driving license and your entire family is so poor people from the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans send you food) gladly receive your seed because it guarantees that this good earth will not be polluted with your offspring once you shake your diseased (and thankfully mortal) coil. Everything else in her basement is dirty because your grandmother has forsaken that glum cave under her smelly, yellow and hairy feet where you hide from your own incompetence and destitution. Even she is sick of cleaning up after your stinking, lazy ass. Anyway, enough about your sorry excuse of a life. Let's get back to the topic of anger and misogyny, shall we? First of all, I would like to congratulate you on a couple of things: 1) You are the biggest psycho on kdice (no small feat, btw). 2) You are the biggest asshole I have ever met (which is amazing because *I* am an asshole and like attracts like so I have met my share!). 3) You are the smallest human being I have ever had the displeasure of flicking off the bottom of my left jackboot. First, let's look at your anger. You come into a map that you are NOT EVEN PLAYING (and never were) to swear at some girl that you are stalking that just happened to be in the map. You spam the chatbox with the most vile of words (which need not be repeated here). Naturally, EVERYONE in the map is BEGGING you to just shut up, stop spamming the chat box and leave. How do you respond? More anger! You berate us in the chat window and then have the gall to TAG EVERYONE'S PROFILE permanently with the words: "Dirty player." We did *nothing* to you. Your issues were with the girl you were stalking, not us. We were innocent bystanders sick of your spammy, frothy bile. We told you so and you attacked us and our profiles like a rabid dog. You have no control over your anger. Thankfully, it will consume you. Now, let's discuss misogyny. I don't know what issues you have with the girl you are stalking but there is *nothing* that she (or anyone) could have done with 8-stacks of dice and a chatbox to deserve what you said and did to her. This leads me to believe that you have issues with women in general. Why do you hate women? Is it because your mother left you and your unemployable father for a younger, thinner man when you were just a little girly-boy? Is it because grandmother no longer cleans her basement (your pad) or does your laundry any more? She stopped doing your laundry when you turned 30, right? Is that why you are mad at women? Is it because your only experiences with the fair sex are through seed-stained Hustler magazines? Popup infested websites? Is it the rejection you get every time you hit on your waitress while you are both waiting for your supersize Pepsi to be filled (waitress with a nervous look on her face [and her finger firmly on the button of the pepperspray bottle in her pocket] and you with your tiny eyes on her chest)? What is it? What motivates you to make complete strangers enemies by pissing all over our game just so you can crap all over a girl? When I saw your comment in my profile today, I was dumbstruck. Words escape me. I will say this again because it bears repeating: Henrik, you are a dank cesspool brimming with raging anger and fetid misogyny.
43218765 on Wednesday May 21, 2008
wow. i witnessed the ugliest language in kdice. and it was henrik. he wasn't even playing but he was stalking some girl...
CaliGirl on Tuesday May 20, 2008
Henrik: and you a bitch CaliGirl: again with the B word
crazycanadian on Tuesday May 20, 2008
WOW. Ugly racist...stalking me...
crazycanadian on Tuesday May 20, 2008
I agree bling. VERY ugly player.
crazycanadian on Tuesday May 20, 2008
Wow. Ugly player. Stalks peeps.
BlingKrosby on Tuesday May 20, 2008
not an interesting player. Has a big mouth that can fit a lot of you know what in. horrible strategist, doesnt respect flags.
schmack on Saturday May 17, 2008
Thanks for the note Henrik.
angreal on Friday May 16, 2008
Wisp, he was envious of my luck, too. In game 5,704,705 I won a 5 v 6 and he said that I would die. He made it happen, too, but in the end my luck was 47.1 and his was 48.0. He was the lucky one.
skrumgaer on Sunday May 11, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary