![]() Level 37
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mozzer2001Add a review about this player
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making a guy with 1 land 4th and me 5th who fought for 2nd
moulue on Thursday February 24, 2011 Dear johnboy -
You don't get out much, do you?
Please do me a favor and don't confuse personal ethics in a stupid dice game with real world ethics where it matters. Although I enjoy playing, I really don't care enough about kdice to form PGAs. Relax, enjoy life, and stop taking imaginary colored dice battles so seriously. kthx.
mozzer2001 on Thursday January 13, 2011 @johnboy i dont know what you're talking about. he is a standup player who attacks those who DO NOT follow flags. the ones who lack ethics are players like you
@archlightx on Wednesday January 12, 2011 This player is the poster child for the type of people who do not follow rules and ethics of gaming. He continues to form PGAs and denies it. He does not honor flags and is very disrespectful to players on the board. I, along with many others, only wish him well and the intelligence to learn how to read rules of games as well as foster a life long proactve sense of good ethics. BEWARE!!!
johnboy35633 on Wednesday January 12, 2011 not nice player, insulting and bad speaking
mikel85 on Tuesday December 28, 2010 douche bag goes back on flags kill on sight
mistersither on Sunday December 26, 2010 Great guy.
Rowen on Tuesday December 7, 2010 He is so dumb I wonder he is able to breath
chili12 on Sunday September 5, 2010 PEDER! lol
sandraRE on Sunday September 5, 2010 Note for myself.
jilm2 on Wednesday September 1, 2010 |