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doesn't respect flag, give his turkish friend 2nd. kill him
osdave on Saturday December 27, 2008
Pathetic guy, there was 3 players left and he asked for truce, of course he was crushed and got 3rd ;D real loser
wujo_pl on Tuesday December 23, 2008
Plays like a true Azeri... (plays like a bitch)
gevorg on Sunday July 27, 2008
Wow. Pathological is exactly that. I don't know what happened in that game, Teo, but no game's behavior deserves this kind of hyperbolic crap. He should shrug it off an get on with life. Sorry you had to deal with such a psycho.
Improv42 on Thursday July 10, 2008
I don't know if i can ever forgive you for screwing me so badly, that was unbelievable man, really unbelievable. You owe me 300 points man, hope it makes you feel good to be such a complete jerk. Unbelievable you would let someone farm the entire table like that and not flag, you let someone use you to be a jerk and supported that behavior. Really dishonorable conduct. I wish you would just apologize and understand how badly you disrespected me and screwed everyone at the table. You cost me a lot of points by your misconduct. You don't have to screw other people, I would have respected you a lot more if you would have flagged and then a later game I would help you out, and you would be much better off. Instead you abused other players, and allowed the game to be disrespected. I was really offended, hurt and disrespected by your behavior. You can't even apologize is the frustrating part, you think it is ok to farm the whole board. Not really very cool at all. Not cool at all.
Pathological on Wednesday July 9, 2008
desh on Wednesday July 9, 2008
My word, himself and leosawyer have fun. Unfortunately old teo here is the less dominant of the partnership. Skulking around with one territory playing like a russian farm girl on heat while old leo wipes the floor to take a mighty amount of points. you see Teo's not in it for the fame money or girls. Only the mild chance that teo, from turkey, will run to azerbaijan for a fellatio foolaround.
ScotsLaw on Monday July 7, 2008
TheDiplomat on Monday July 7, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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