![]() Level 42
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tdysonAdd a review about this player
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the die on Tuesday November 16, 2010 typical islemonkey. plays like a dumbshit. no brain and no plan. poor gay. kill this backstabbing piece of shit asap if you want a nice game. go back to your strange, ugly country. hey gay: we won 4:1 vs you in southafrica, poor loser! muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah
Pustekuchen on Thursday October 7, 2010 backstabber. DO NOT TRUST
perseeseen on Wednesday September 22, 2010 Trucer
Badshah on Tuesday August 31, 2010 no honor. no respect. just kill him first, do yourself a favour.
DrunkDaShiVa on Friday August 27, 2010 ignores real flags
CheezeMonkey on Tuesday August 10, 2010 i really despise this tosser
DaBrain on Thursday August 5, 2010 what a lovely chap
calls calls on Wednesday August 4, 2010 dirtyrolls - ure a loony m8 y u copied n pasted what i put to you
tdyson on Wednesday August 4, 2010 no respect a fucking dumb mother fucker that pleads n begs over 10 points what a fucking cat this game need to get rid of cunts like this desperate mother fucker
dirtyrolls on Tuesday August 3, 2010 |