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Sinth wrote
at 12:08 AM, Wednesday May 13, 2009 EDT
A little bit about me. I typically respect flags, but there are situations where I do not:

- I ALWAYS take care of my allies and those who help me. Sometimes even sacrificially. If me and my allies beat you, I'm sorry, but my allies are getting the top places. I'm not going to let you flag for 2nd. If you don't like this, feel free to ally me first. :) You know I'll take care of you. But do try to be a bit subtle or you'll provoke a counter from the whole table.

- By the same token, I expect to be treated well by my allies. If I help you win and then you leave me to the dogs once your place is secure, how likely do you think it is I'll want to help you in the future?

- The reason flagging works is that it's usually a win-win situation. Both players come out ahead. A player accepting a flag gives up the chance of taking your land in exchange for removing the threat of your attacks. If you have nothing to attack me with, and easy land to take, I might need your lands to secure a better place. This is double true if we've been fighting and I happen to win-- to the victor goes the spoils.

Some people have this weird idea that the game should be entirely determined by your start position, the luck of your rolls, and I guess pure tactics. But this is a social game, and diplomacy is part of it. If someone overcomes a bad start or unlucky rolls through skillful diplomacy, please don't whine "So-and-so doesn't deserve 3rd!" As if you "deserved" your good start or good rolls.

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