Level 22
to level 23

These cards suck

Yes, I've retired.
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question when an account gets silenced for spamming how long does it last?
Counter Truce on Tuesday July 7, 2009
This guy moderates kdice, yet he isnt good at it. Im not sure somebody should be allowed to moderate if they cant play the game good enough. Just my 2 cents
Gengar on Monday June 29, 2009
Hey, sry that i need to disturb u. But i saw in "help" that i need to contact an advisor if i want to complain about another player. Well, actually i've played kdice for about 1.5 years now (and normally i write a comment if i dont like how s.o. treated me but then its done for me) but in the case of "que TOBY" i really need to report now. I know it sounds like if i were a pussy, but he said that he will flag to me earlier in the game and so i stopped to attack him to let him and blue fight for 2nd. Well, when he had beaten blue he started to go for me and won because he was bigger than me. I'm not looking after the points or sth. but i think that players who u cant trust dont belong here. So much from me... Wish u a nice weekend ;) P.S.: These are the game dates... game: 20.678.099 table: xxSacredxx date: Mai 1, 11:37 AM CDT
Der Lohmann on Friday May 1, 2009
Top of the cake of n00bs!
SIR *FISSEFJES* on Thursday December 18, 2008
Based on some of the notes in the advisorLog, I personally think that you suck as a moderator.
DiceCube on Tuesday July 8, 2008
(+115 for 1st and +159 for dominance) Rank: 2190th Score: +274 to 349??. These cards suck finishes 1st in round 12
These cards suck on Thursday June 19, 2008
Backstabbing is a good way to get 1st in low level tables for sure ...
AAk on Thursday June 19, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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