Level 39
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My last 10 games of March,2008
10,838◆ (↓82) 10,920◆ (↓46) 10,966◆ (↑48) 10,918◆ (↓43) 10,961◆ (↓6) 10,967◆ (↓25) 10,992◆ (↑10) 10,982◆ (↓10) 10,992◆ (↓101) 11,093◆ (↓43)
... lost some couples before these
From 81st to 95th, that 's what I've done to myself.
geoisonfire on Monday March 31, 2008 lol, still love ya ,killerdice23 :)
geoisonfire on Monday March 31, 2008 i might have been a little hasty with my last comment, he isnt that bad just had a bad case of MISCOMMUNICATION. please disregard the statement on 11:05 PM, Saturday March 29, 2008 CDT
killerdice23 on Monday March 31, 2008 dont trust! will truce then backstab the second he gets a chance!
killerdice23 on Saturday March 29, 2008 |