Level 40
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novice1Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. ASSHOLE
xkatelynx on Sunday July 27, 2008 A bitch. NO respect of flag. Ryan, please ban this out of kdice.
uolter on Friday July 25, 2008 sonofabitch that doesnt respect flags. farmer kid.
beepa on Wednesday May 28, 2008 Pga with orenbin
Henrik on Monday May 12, 2008 Another vote to support the idiocy of this player...no respect for flags.
TBone66 on Monday May 12, 2008 Douche. Doesn't respect flags.
sgryzko on Friday May 2, 2008 Disrespects flags. Pretty much an asshole. Probably PGAs. Either way, if there's a small stack hiding in his area that won't flag, he'll try to take the whole map.
Nevelo on Monday April 28, 2008 A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT
No Way Jose on Sunday April 27, 2008 doesn't respect flags, DOM farms.
DaShiVa on Tuesday April 22, 2008 ok novice we're even now.....hopefully we don't have to take this further.
Mudshovel on Saturday April 19, 2008 |