![]() Level 39
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Rock LobsterAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. whiner for real he is such a whiney baby
@mistypage29 on Friday August 5, 2011 pga with Brighty
gen. sherman on Thursday August 4, 2011 backed me up for 2nd place in a truce. -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
CuteKittens on Wednesday July 27, 2011 BACKSTABBER! DONT TRUST HIM!
akca03 on Sunday July 24, 2011 Exceptionally trustworthy player, you can count on him.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Friday July 22, 2011 I flagged to him in round 8 and he did not accept it because I attacked him in round 2!!!!
Everyone attacks everyone in round 2!!! Don't flag to this guy if you previously attacked him because he won't accept.
>Rebel< on Wednesday June 29, 2011 im alrady flaged 3 he flaged 2
and he atack me ??? whay???
he said i m truce for 2/3 lol
total idiot
allonso20 on Wednesday October 20, 2010 Honorable during the game, classy at the end game. Rare combination
.3rdbase. on Sunday August 22, 2010 Went back on flag
UnlceSlappy on Saturday August 21, 2010 considerably honorable... RESPECT!
nocode1437 on Saturday August 21, 2010 |