Level 95
to level 96 |
MadHat_SamMy Name is My Name
This player has 1 contributions to the community
This player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. SAM YOU ARE A VERY BAD PERSON. I HOPE THAT, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYONE YOU LIKE AND LOVE.
Tilki73 on Saturday October 1, 2011 yohann2008hj pornographic av of what is likely his wang, pls do something about.
OhLookADwarf on Saturday October 1, 2011 hey Sam anytime you ready bro, thanks
Rocketa7 on Thursday September 29, 2011 Liar, a cheat and a fraud, do not believe anything he says,Dont respect his flags, Pga of TAZY
gabi6 on Wednesday September 7, 2011 moron... Possible pga with MadHat_Sam, xnixnix and marsyas
than on Tuesday September 6, 2011 PGAd on 5K with ugolino and then after not having having attacked him or the guy he PGAd with AND flagged to them both..he later completely and totally, shamelessly destroyed me to take dom. I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOU!!
Help, I'm a rock on Wednesday August 31, 2011 never flag this asshole, CUNT
X_A_U on Thursday August 25, 2011 Sam u should give up your mods titel. u really ruining this game.
Mods_R_Stupid on Thursday August 25, 2011 For somebody with an equally checkered past (from what I see above), you sure can be an unsympathetic dick. I wasn't searching for a purging of my punishment, nor was i searching for further chastisement. I just wanted to state that I have remorse for my action and that I wanted to do the responsible thing and step up to apologize. You didn't have to accept, but I find your frank rudeness in the situation agitating.
alexcutie on Wednesday August 24, 2011 fuckin really good but seriously get a life
baseball gangsta on Tuesday August 16, 2011 |