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MrDolomiteAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Nice Player, very fair, u can trust his word ^^
nonzdanonz on Thursday October 8, 2009 "?) can be chatty and seems to hold a game-to-game grudge, answer to everything is "no you need to play more", verdict still out on this player.
MrDolomite on Thursday September 17"
No shit, in any game you compete to win. If you mess with someone in one game, don't be surprised if that comes back to haunt you later.
tuck on Monday September 21, 2009 My review of PRINCESS DAISY - "(-) Seems to think that "truce" means "partners for life and we'll both battle together as one big team", instead of "hey, you don't attack me and I don't attack you." Claims to be an "expert who has been playing a long time". Definition: truce - noun - "a period of time in which no fighting takes place due to an agreement between the opposed parties." Would not play with them again. "
MrDolomite on Saturday September 12, 2009 Has no idea what a truce is. Truced me then flagged to someone else, forcing me to fight 1/3. Flags as early as possible and suggests everyone do so to end the game quickly. He was in 2nd, truced with 3rd, and clearly set to win the game, but chose 2nd over actually playing. Pussy.
PRINCESS DAISY on Saturday September 12, 2009 fun to play with!
Quimga on Tuesday April 14, 2009 Good Ebayer - Fast shipping and good transaction A+
JimmyNokNok on Friday April 3, 2009 You really need your life sorted LOL!!! :D
LaurenSuksTits on Sunday March 22, 2009 In addition to being a Scum-sucking buttock-tugger and nudist, obviously Welsh and a relentless onanist, MrDolomite is also a spatular sucking, winnet plucker and toss bucket. Enthusiatic receiver of arse fucking and giver of blow jobs. Toe-rag, snot-gobbler and masterbating fart-boy. He is in a long-term intimate relationship with Randy Bumgardener and smells of cabbage. Take him out first to hear him cry. It's funny.
Burp1 on Thursday March 5, 2009 "MrDolomite: whatever, you were negative points anyway and I hate people who think they are "entitled" to a place "
Yeah dude, good point. History has proven that hate has always been a good advisor.
And kicking someone head who lies on the ground, is an attribute which only have great and honorablr people.
AlastairDart on Wednesday March 4, 2009 baby dont cry gots 2 keep your head up -even when the road gets ruff never give up
lostboy786 on Wednesday February 25, 2009 |