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Does NOT respect flags. Flagged him, then he said I was not a trustworthy player because of my reviews? Well, if I check your reviews, your a pig rapist, see my point now? Try to use your own judgement.
KrazyIvan on Wednesday April 15, 2015
truly insane player! be careful, a backstabber!
Loser_krez on Thursday March 21, 2013
Strange player. Doesn't pay much attention to the diplomacy part of the game, and might screw your game accidently because of that. Still fun to play with. Copy-paste reviews however the whole time ^^
Katse on Friday March 8, 2013
Alright player but not too bright
MikeG on Tuesday May 8, 2012
flag people and then attack them to take a better place. strange player
lesyeuxd'or on Thursday March 22, 2012
One of those typical self proclaimed gods of the internet. I wouldn't take him seriously on chat or flags.
Chrmoe on Friday February 24, 2012
For explanation of those bad review, just click on the name of the one who posted them. I answered on their review page so that you can get the context.
Montcalm on Sunday February 19, 2012
absolutely retarded. I was flagged for 2 and asked for a 3 flag off an opponent to sit and allow him to fight another opponent. I got no flag until it was too late (I made this clear) and so attacked. Retard here in 1st demanded I stop, allowed took 75% of my lands to get eaten then demanded I fight someone else. Said I was a noob but clearly has reached his limit with the 100s
BGA on Sunday February 19, 2012
omayer on Sunday December 18, 2011
what a pompous loser. First, he plays like an ass, and accuses me of refusing a flag, and posts a dumb review. Next day, he flags to me and doesnt say a word. What makes him pompous though, just to give you all an idea, is that he called an agressive player "beliquous", which isn't even a word. He probably heard someone use the word "bellicose" which is an actual word that would have been appropriate. total douchebag
fuzzymcfuzz on Friday December 16, 2011
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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