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good player very nice
patrickl on Thursday July 14, 2011
PGA (+65 for 2nd and +0 for dominance) Rank: 777th Score: +65 to 1393◆. VECCHIONI finishes 2nd in round 14 VECCHIONI stands up (+212 for 1st and +0 for dominance) Rank: 364th Score: +212 to 3061◆. dijonaise finishes 1st in round 14 dijonaise stands up Zuma takes a seat @min takes a seat Formiga takes a seat Michaela_F takes a seat goasn takes a seat zenwinsin0 takes a seat Jextrad takes a seat Zuma's turn Formiga defeated 4v4, 19 to 9, (5,3,6,5 to 1,3,4,1) @min defended 3v3, 9 to 13, (2,3,4 to 6,6,1) @min defeated 2v3, 10 to 7, (5,5 to 1,5,1) Zuma sits out +7 dice @min's turn Formiga defended 3v2, 4 to 5, (2,1,1 to 2,3) goasn defeated 4v2, 19 to 6, (5,6,5,3 to 3,3) Formiga defended 3v2, 6 to 10, (3,2,1 to 6,4) +2 dice Formiga's turn Jextrad defended 4v4, 8 to 15, (3,1,1,3 to 6,2,1,6) @min defeated 2v1, 5 to 3, (1,4 to 3) +2 dice Michaela_F's turn Zuma defeated 4v2, 12 to 11, (4,2,1,5 to 5,6) Zuma defeated 3v2, 8 to 6, (1,1,6 to 2,4) +4 dice goasn's turn Formiga defeated 4v1, 12 to 5, (1,5,2,4 to 5) @min defeated 3v1, 13 to 6, (4,3,6 to 6) +3 dice zenwinsin0's turn goasn defended 4v4, 12 to 19, (6,2,1,3 to 3,5,6,5) Formiga defended 2v2, 4 to 9, (1,3 to 3,6) Formiga defended 3v2, 8 to 12, (2,4,2 to 6,6) goasn defeated 3v2, 12 to 6, (5,6,1 to 2,4) Formiga defeated 2v1, 9 to 6, (5,4 to 6) +3 dice Jextrad's turn (-100 for 7th and +0 for dominance) Rank: 1985th Score: -100 to 338◆. Formiga finishes 7th in round 1 Formiga stands up neutral defeated 3v2, 14 to 7, (4,6,4 to 1,6) zenwinsin0 defeated 2v1, 8 to 6, (4,4 to 6) @min defeated 4v2, 13 to 7, (1,5,2,5 to 3,4) Zuma sits in Michaela_F defeated 4v1, 16 to 4, (5,2,6,3 to 4) +8 dice Zuma's turn zenwinsin0 defeated 5v1, 18 to 5, (5,1,5,2,5 to 5) zenwinsin0 defeated 4v1, 12 to 4, (3,1,5,3 to 4) +6 dice @min's turn zenwinsin0 defeated 2v1, 5 to 2, (4,1 to 2) +2 dice Michaela_F's turn @min defeated 4v2, 12 to 3, (5,2,3,2 to 2,1) Zuma defeated 3v2, 14 to 4, (5,6,3 to 2,2) +7 dice goasn's turn Michaela_F defended 3v3, 9 to 15, (2,6,1 to 6,6,3) @min defeated 4v2, 10 to 7, (4,1,2,3 to 1,6) (-82 for 6th and +0 for dominance) Rank: 875th Score: -82 to 1166◆. @min finishes 6th in round 2 @min stands up +4 dice zenwinsin0's turn Zuma defended 3v5, 8 to 10, (1,6,1 to 1,4,3,1,1) Jextrad defended 2v5, 7 to 26, (3,4 to 3,6,6,6,5) (-27 for 5th and +0 for dominance) Rank: 945th Score: -27 to 1056◆. zenwinsin0 finishes 5th in round 2 zenwinsin0 stands up Jextrad's turn neutral defeated 2v1, 10 to 4, (6,4 to 4) +9 dice Zuma's turn +6 dice Michaela_F's turn goasn defeated 3v1, 16 to 6, (6,4,6 to 6) +8 dice goasn's turn +4 dice Jextrad's turn +9 dice Zuma's turn +6 dice Michaela_F's turn +8 dice goasn's turn Michaela_F defeated 7v7, 25 to 20, (4,1,5,2,5,3,5 to 4,1,5,4,1,4,1) Michaela_F defeated 6v4, 20 to 12, (2,5,3,6,2,2 to 5,1,2,4) +6 dice Jextrad's turn +9 dice Zuma's turn +6 dice Michaela_F's turn +6 dice goasn's turn neutral defended 3v2, 6 to 11, (1,4,1 to 6,5) +6 dice Jextrad's turn +9 dice Zuma's turn +6 dice Michaela_F's turn +6 dice goasn's turn +6 dice Jextrad's turn +9 dice Zuma's turn Zuma sits out +6 dice Michaela_F's turn Zuma sits in +6 dice goasn's turn neutral defeated 3v2, 14 to 9, (6,3,5 to 5,4) +7 dice Jextrad's turn Zuma defeated 8v7, 33 to 17, (4,5,2,3,4,6,5,4 to 6,2,1,2,2,1,3) +10 dice Zuma's turn neutral defeated 8v1, 36 to 2, (6,1,5,6,4,5,4,5 to 2) +6 dice Michaela_F's turn +6 dice goasn's turn +7 dice Jextrad's turn Zuma defeated 8v6, 26 to 18, (6,4,2,5,1,4,2,2 to 3,3,4,3,3,2) +11 dice Zuma's turn +4 dice Michaela_F's turn +6 dice goasn's turn +7 dice Jextrad's turn +11 dice Zuma's turn Michaela_F defended 8v8, 17 to 28, (1,2,4,3,1,2,1,3 to 5,6,4,5,2,1,4,1) +4 dice Michaela_F's turn Zuma defeated 8v8, 29 to 24, (1,2,3,6,6,5,3,3 to 3,3,4,4,1,5,2,2) +7 dice goasn's turn +7 dice Jextrad's turn Zuma defeated 8v8, 33 to 30, (6,5,4,3,3,6,5,1 to 2,3,6,4,6,2,4,3) Zuma defended 7v8, 24 to 33, (4,2,4,3,5,4,2 to 5,4,5,6,3,2,3,5) +12 dice Zuma's turn Zuma sits out +2 dice Michaela_F's turn goasn defended 8v8, 25 to 31, (1,3,5,1,2,6,4,3 to 4,5,2,6,5,4,3,2) +7 dice goasn's turn Michaela_F defended 8v8, 22 to 27, (2,4,1,3,6,1,2,3 to 4,2,6,1,2,4,4,4) +7 dice Jextrad's turn Zuma defeated 8v8, 34 to 33, (2,2,5,6,4,4,5,6 to 3,4,4,3,6,4,3,6) +13 dice Zuma's turn +1 dice Michaela_F's turn goasn defeated 8v8, 29 to 22, (4,2,5,5,1,4,6,2 to 2,3,6,2,3,1,3,2) +8 dice goasn's turn Michaela_F defeated 8v8, 37 to 36, (3,3,6,6,5,2,6,6 to 5,4,5,6,4,5,1,6) +7 dice Jextrad's turn Zuma sits in
Zuma on Tuesday June 21, 2011
Sore loser. Whines a lot.
gtalum on Thursday June 16, 2011
Backstabber KoS
bluff or not? on Wednesday June 1, 2011
does not respect flags
Help, I'm a rock on Monday March 21, 2011
DeLany on Monday March 21, 2011
Ivano Colelli on Monday February 21, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary