![]() Level 32
to level 33 |
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. bad and unfair player
WSimicz on Sunday March 21, 2010 Reneges on flags, PGA with grafff and KutlukBilge.
Diado on Tuesday January 12, 2010 wouldn't roll for 3 rounds so i rolled for him.. he lost and got mad.. "violin solo" sorry buddy
Jonah Mitchell on Sunday January 3, 2010 immature cunt
Burkleo on Wednesday December 30, 2009 total dick - no respect for the social aspect of the game
habit1 on Friday September 19, 2008 He is an assjole
SamuraiNero on Sunday September 14, 2008 Worst point farmer I have ever seen. I was flagged below him and he hit me turn after turn, didn't respond to chat. The worst kind of kdice player.
RandomOunce on Sunday September 7, 2008 good partner (had a truce)
kiker99 on Saturday September 6, 2008 farming dick, didnt respect any of the flags, pga with seckin
UpmaxM on Saturday September 6, 2008 Spouts shit about PGA when thrashed, then hangs around moaning like a little pussy.
Trefusis on Thursday September 4, 2008 |