Level 32
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Reviews 21 - 30 of 30
total douche
OptionG on Thursday November 19, 2009 Attacked me for no reason after I put up a 2nd flag, and was fighting with 3rd place. Also didn't respect other players flags during the game.
mikem on Tuesday September 22, 2009 He doesnt respect flags :s
nyub on Wednesday September 16, 2009 hässliges behindertes arschloch, don´t trust him, he backstabbs
Y2J-Code222 on Saturday July 18, 2009 I flagged verbally. Then I put flag up as 2nd. I helped him take 1st, and then he attacked me and I got 3rd. Never said anything.
dumbo25 on Saturday July 4, 2009 doens´t respect flags....or he cant read
blauvasan on Tuesday May 12, 2009 lets trucers have better positions over hius 'counter truce' rofl
Carlisle on Wednesday January 14, 2009 doesn´t respect flags
Dok8888 on Wednesday November 26, 2008 doesn´t respect flags
Lunatic on Monday October 6, 2008 doesn´t respect flags
jklopo on Saturday September 13, 2008 |