![]() Level 18
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berto243Ally With Me If You Want To WIn
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Complete and utter poo face.
D.T.A on Thursday February 12, 2009 Doesn't like the idea that I may be his father.
HollowayisAlive on Sunday February 1, 2009 Overly profane ass
oOPoetryMuseOo on Friday January 30, 2009 disrespects flags...little farmers... hope you would like to know!!!! there are no more dom points!!!
war dog847 on Thursday November 13, 2008 doesn`t respect flags and likes farming and farm animals. Not a joy to play with or chat with.
berto243 on Wednesday November 5, 2008 doesn`t respect flags and likes farming and farm animals. Not a joy to play with or chat with.
Mr. Blonde on Wednesday November 5, 2008 Homosexual tendencies run rampant with this fellow, makes fun of your intelligence while spelling half the words wrong in his sentence.
Recommend re-doing highschool.
canuckster on Friday October 31, 2008 Doesn't respect flags and spams the chat with stuff like...
berto243: EAT MY DICK
Piewnisher on Thursday October 30, 2008 Player do not respect flags and grabs for points, and realy do not understand the point.
logicom on Thursday October 30, 2008 not respect flag and big farmer , loser in minds
/wanted on Thursday October 30, 2008 |