Level 31
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Terrible player, do not trust.
Help, I'm a rock on Sunday January 13, 2013
Jet is a great player, kdice is just full of bad asses. When you hang out with him at the table, you will think he's tops because DER he is THE BOMB. You're the BEST! greeen loves you!!!!
greeen on Tuesday November 8, 2011
backstabber says he accepts your flag then goes back on his word. Dont trust him.
allonso20 on Wednesday November 3, 2010
good player, could have killed him, let him live, became stronger but then flagged 2nd to me after killing the others...honest...treat him well and he'll help you back...
piewhy on Sunday October 17, 2010
rude/arrogant waste of space
Moonz on Friday September 11, 2009
Ignores flags.
ArrowLance on Sunday June 28, 2009
backstabber says he accepts your flag then goes back on his word. Dont trust him.
XxPhantomXx on Saturday June 27, 2009
FARMERRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bimbo Loco on Tuesday January 6, 2009
truces and acts like it never happened. a total moron
marcb on Tuesday January 6, 2009
PGA Douche
jcforprez on Sunday January 4, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary