Level 56
to level 57


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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9

terrible player who will suicide into you knowing you still have to fight for your position
Mrs. M on Sunday May 22, 2016
wEiRd0 on Sunday April 26, 2015
A level 3 noob has all the flags but ignores what a flag is and is trying to kill everybody. Scrapper, instead of trucing to the small remaining force who is trying to kill the powerful noob doesn't move, he attacks us, he takes grey. The noob tries to kill scrapper, as he tries to kill everyone else. We say: scrapper, do you get it now? he is attacking you, he attacked you the last 3 rounds, react for god sake, but good ol scrapper says: Im honoring my flag, I'm not gonna backstab. If that is not the most perfect demonstration of stupidity I don't know what it is.
Boromakot on Saturday April 4, 2015
Guy gets off on being an asshole.
kDiceNoob22 on Saturday February 28, 2015
Really bad player. Never flag to this person.
TheBetterYodel on Wednesday November 12, 2014
very unfair bad player total big idiot server kdice,player dont respect flag!
bivo on Friday November 15, 2013
unfair player. does not respect others. avoid.
nin2 on Monday December 27, 2010
Very fair player
What_up on Monday June 15, 2009
A true scrapper a real Fighter !!! He has the ability to fight with ease passed down from generation and generation, He has a Fighting spirit hes a true Warrior. Hes also good at kdice, and fair.... :)
Johnny Vez on Thursday April 2, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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