![]() Level 33
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Jack's SpleenI'm like way awsome and stuff
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Jack is not real bright and talks all the time. I dont think he is funny but he tries real hard. I hope he gets sick and dies.
Happyfuntime on Thursday January 28, 2010 who are you people?
Jack's Spleen on Sunday January 24, 2010 Great Head.....Thanks
BigScal on Saturday January 9, 2010 maxically idiot
offer purple 2nd and next take it.
he want figt for 1/3 and when he lose he try to get 2nd.
ramona23exeqtor on Saturday December 19, 2009 A credit to the game, a great laugh and gd strategy, what more cld u want. NO we are not PGA, he beat me!
Brewer480 on Friday September 18, 2009 Totally PGA with ferrice, also talks alot during games, which is very irritating. Flags round 2 like a bitch.
actionsverre on Thursday September 17, 2009 looks like a gay, and quite stupid, on my black list nowww
CdTs on Sunday September 6, 2009 smells like shit
peiper on Monday August 24, 2009 one of the biggest idiots i ever seen
Laudan on Monday August 17, 2009 A super great player, very friendly. I thought it was refreshing that he openly admitted to his homosexuality. Although some would frown apon it, he openly discussed his activities and I think really shed a light on the homosexual crowd many people didn't know. I salute you for your braveness and honesty with yourself and us here at Kdice.
Vasha9276 on Wednesday August 5, 2009 |