Level 81
to level 82 |
Slinusgreeen: im scared of sophie. greeen has left
This player has 2 contributions to the community
This player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. THIS DUDE IS A DUDE. Great fun to play with
Jewslim on Wednesday October 12, 2016 :(
generalissimus S on Friday July 24, 2015 backstabbing & plays dumb.
dicef00 on Tuesday July 21, 2015 PGA in 2k, 5k and tourney too with Moulue and his other top friends. I have seen this shit every year I played kdice; This game wont be fair never
masticore on Sunday June 21, 2015 not recpected flag, see you next time
glaz on Sunday June 21, 2015 backstabbing on turney after truce. random.
Lauch mit Schlau on Monday February 2, 2015 pga with Im Defeated - kick players out of tourneys - shame for a contributor and member (even admits he is a stabber)
Grux on Sunday February 1, 2015 Poor player, stab in tourney. Pge for ever.
Rafkrik on Wednesday January 28, 2015 I am 98% certain this is a man.
DoobiusMalcor on Monday January 12, 2015 bitch.
Fullmetal on Monday January 12, 2015 |