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pga with oh no its a dwarf
joedonahue on Sunday December 25, 2011
rapes little boys in the back of his el camino...must work for penn state
MrsGrendler on Tuesday December 13, 2011
Skilled player. Trustworthy. Nice guy. Check out his blog.
Mars Rover on Monday December 12, 2011
2011-12-11 muddylemon is not a good 1st place player. Perhaps he will learn. He wants all the benefits of receiving flags but doesn't want to wait around for all the other fights to finish. If muddylemon put ANY thought into it, he would realize that the whole reason people flagged to him was so that they could finish their fights. The fighting is the fun part of Kdice. muddylemon should NOT be a hypocrite because we know full well that when muddylemon is not in 1st place he wants whoever is in 1st to stay out of it. Chat below is verbatim as always. muddylemon is yellow. ++++++++++ [Note: muddylemon had a big lead for 1st and everyone near muddylemon had flagged to him except blue. In addition, blue had chatted "nice win yellow" implying that blue understood that muddylemon had 1st in hand. Blue was not a threat but muddylemon attacked him. Had you asked him, muddylemon would have said, "Why? Because he had not flagged." So silly of muddylemon.] ---------- Zuma: flag, if u wana ---------- 3.14159: yellow should really follow my motto: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone... ---------- 3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ---------- 3.14159: (when someone just sits there) ---------- Zuma: did red flag? ---------- muddylemon: this is fun ---------- muddylemon: who here likes pancakes? ---------- 3.14159: then next time, yellow, do NOT accept flags ---------- muddylemon: next time play your own game ---------- 3.14159: you want the benefit of flags to you... ---------- 3.14159: learn patience ---------- 3.14159: and humility ---------- 3.14159: don't complain about winning the game, yellow ---------- 3.14159: it is unseemly ---------- 3.14159: and learn how to play when in 1st place ---------- muddylemon: sounds like you're an alt of droobius malcoy ---------- Zuma: flagred ---------- 3.14159: i don't have alts ---------- 3.14159: sounds like YOU do ---------- muddylemon: multiple personality than ---------- 3.14159: face it, yellow--you need to be more mature ---------- muddylemon: except its the same personality ---------- 3.14159: learn how to be a good 1st place player ---------- muddylemon: lecturing people ---------- muddylemon: whining ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the whineer ---------- 3.14159: whiner ---------- muddylemon: it's like newt gingrich plays kdice ---------- 3.14159: whining "this is fun" ---------- c4a: flag red and blue ---------- 3.14159: flag red and blue ---------- Zuma: k ty ---------- muddylemon: red what's up ---------- 3.14159: nothing, what's up with you, yellow? ---------- muddylemon: you're green ---------- 3.14159: you don't care--you are just making a point ---------- 3.14159: about how POOR you must wait ---------- 3.14159: next time, yellow, do not accept flags ---------- c4a: wtf blue? ---------- muddylemon: next time mind your own business ---------- 3.14159: THEN you won't have to sit around ---------- c4a: am sitting out already ---------- 3.14159: YOU made it OUR business when you started whining ---------- muddylemon: jesus ---------- 3.14159: prayer? ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: it is that tough for you?
3.14159 on Sunday December 11, 2011
I don't like you
Captain Falcon on Saturday December 10, 2011
shrug.... no idea.. dude ran into the room pants around his ankles, his lipstick smeared gave us all that totally confused and disorientated look, then ran back out... whatever, I dont judge :))
Gangstrrr on Tuesday December 6, 2011
good guy dont believe all the haters.
Doing It Right on Saturday December 3, 2011
clearly the biggest idiot in the game!
korcan on Thursday December 1, 2011
poolparty - it's not "stabbing" if i just don't accept your flag. If you are sitting next to my big stacks you can't just say flag and then whine when I have my own agenda
muddylemon on Monday November 28, 2011
stabber, very bad, never trust
poolparty on Monday November 28, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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