Level 22
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Don't worry, I agree, aswell as everyone else here, about what you said, plus it's funny!
sunvic on Sunday March 16, 2008
tombstone: you fukin dick tombstone: you DICK tombstone: fuk ye tombstone: up yours you stupid named fuker tombstone: people just dont fuk with me, but your the kind of pussy to bend over
mozzer on Sunday March 16, 2008
Speculums get tons of pussy btw.
5er on Thursday March 13, 2008
Kicks ass. Good truce partner. Relentless in his quest for victory.
TwigNBerries on Wednesday March 12, 2008
one more star for the spell
tombstone on Tuesday March 11, 2008
i am child.. child out man.
tombstone on Tuesday March 11, 2008
They are completley right
tombstone on Thursday March 6, 2008
Childishly complains that people are "always" attacking him when he refuses to flag, even if he's the last to do so. And by 'last' I mean when he's a distant 3rd, and 2nd flagged long before - will complain of "double teaming" in that case.
rubeole on Wednesday March 5, 2008
tries to make 1-2 truces with you and then cusses you out for not wanting to given that it would be fully unfair to everybody else on the board and then has the nerve to freak out when you attack him because he was cussing you out. what a child.
5er on Thursday February 21, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary