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HansBaerAdd a review about this player
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seems you got a second account, nice work jerk
HansBaer on Friday March 7, 2008 OK, I was at the exact same game and Hans did say that Crude stuff about 7 year olds, so maybe you guys should not judge someone so hastily, or you might start defending a pervert.
TheLizardKing on Wednesday March 5, 2008 Btw, Ckittens... what kind of sick mind post that shit on others' profiles?
nuflis on Thursday February 14, 2008 Trustworthy player, and with a quick understanding to the high tables social dynamics.
nuflis on Thursday February 14, 2008 Hans honors a truce and is fun to play with.
Vermont on Monday February 11, 2008 Kittens do you realise these profiles don't have a delete option?
I go far in the chatbox, but this might be a bit to far for permant writings.
He was 17
Ssergio on Monday February 11, 2008 You have a sick mind kittens. Stop posting your fantasies here
yellowfin on Monday February 11, 2008 hm, can someone delete this post? and the poster, too? would be nice, k, thx
HansBaer on Monday February 11, 2008 Disgusting player. Disgusting person. He talks about his travel to Thailand where he had sex with 7 year old boys.
Someone should report his IP and his activity to interpol.
CuteKittens on Monday February 11, 2008 |