Level 36
to level 37 |
CrystallinaAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Very fair! Very nice player!
Bione on Saturday July 10, 2010 She starts crap with other people to make herself look better. Lame player.
WhatsHerFace2468 on Sunday July 4, 2010 JUST LEAVE THE TABLE NOW i was flagged 3rd, she was 2nd, and she started raping me to let her buttbuddy PGA in 4th to win just as i was about to clear out 4th
ForestGnome on Saturday July 3, 2010 not respect flags
tanty on Friday November 20, 2009 I agree with every nice comment. I've been playing Crystallina for well over 2 years now, and they're one of the fairest players I've ever played against. I truly enjoy the games, even if they always seem to beat me :-p Good luck, Crystallina, and thanks for the great games!
snmlmz on Saturday November 7, 2009 said it once say it again good honarble player
PureOdyssey on Monday September 21, 2009 Crystallina welcome to my PGE list. Your decision to give a dying player higher placement over me after I flagged and sat on +32 dice is the reason for my decision. Just because another player is ranked higher than you and you want to suck up, doesn't change the rules or honor in the game. Good luck in the future, PGE.
Drucifer85 on Tuesday August 11, 2009 Chystallina is like the wonder womyn of kdice. She does the right thing even when it costs her ranks in a tourny or points on a board. Shes played enough to know how the game works and calls people on their BS. 100% fair player.
IndianCountry on Thursday July 9, 2009 Good playing you at the top,
Best of Luck in the future, your top gamer.
Vesengath on Sunday June 14, 2009 Good player, but I see why people think she's a little annoying: always nit-picking, etc
neil2304 on Saturday June 13, 2009 |