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pga with captainLAGER
bluff or not? on Sunday February 28, 2010
tate de donde era q sacaban los videitos para ponerlo como foto
juan98 on Thursday February 4, 2010
awsome guy ;) :P
Jazcan on Saturday December 12, 2009
Great player, fair n fun. keep up the good work ;)
grodriguezbm on Tuesday December 8, 2009
thanks for being patient after you won to let other players determine spots - super nice super good player - but i admit im not wild about the chimp
IndianCountry on Wednesday December 2, 2009
This is not a review for this player. This message serves two purposes. First of all, I want to congratulate the k-dice winner for November 2009 and secondly, I want to give everyone who does not understand how this game works, some first hand knowledge from behind the curtain of deceit. Before I continue, for everyone who does not already know who I am, my main account is DoubleDogDareYa and I am fairly experienced and I consider myself an average player. I posted this under an alt so that my other review would not be overwritten. So first off, I am truly excited to congratulate the November 2009 month-end winner. Drum roll please. happytoscrap or as I like to call him, scrappy. Scrappy won this months k-dice with a lot of hard work. Scrappy is one of the few top players left who play hard and play fair. Scrappy is not alone since there are more who play by the rules (most of the time). Please join me and congratulate scrappy on a job well done. Well then, next topic. Anyone who ever wanted to know how its done up top every month, well here it goes. The titans of k-dice, as Ryan likes to call them, have done the following for the past two years CONFIRMED: 1) PGA , or Pre Game Alliance, is the original form of cheating. It basically involves friends doing favors for friends game to game and joining forces to win. I know this is not news to most people. But I have mentioned it for the noobs. 2) PGA with instant messenger, or aim. So with this form of cheating, they communicate outside the game via instant messenger while engaged in PGA. This give them a lot of power of direction to dominate the board covertly. 3) Proxy cheating. This involves one player sitting at two or more places on one table. So you are actually playing against the same person who is sitting in two or more seats. It basically is the easiest way to win in poker, not only k-dice. You will find that the most blatant proxy offenders on k-dice also have the highest chip counts on gpoker. Without proxy cheating, many of the poker winners would not stand a chance. How do they do it? Well, they need access to at least two net connections, or Ips. And they also need at least two k-dice accounts. All of the zoid accounts this month were frequent offenders of this proxy method, as were all of the gurgi accounts. 4) IP attacks. This involves sending useless packets of information to a server that an opponent is using. What does this do? Well, you will be in a game and possibly in first or second place. Then out of the blue, your lose your net connection. You will be able to log back on only after your game has lagged out . How can they do this? All they need is your server IP and to read a few hacking blogs. So if Ryan, the creator of k-dice has EVER given web site administration privileges to ANY moderators for this game, there is the potential for numerous breaches that would permit IP identification. So with all four of the cheating methods outlined above, all it would take is a little imagination to dominate this game. In practice, the self-proclaimed tits of k-dice, use combinations of these methods to win. For example, you will be sitting at GREEN on a table and you will be up against a team of three. Lets say RED, BLUE and BROWN are a team of cheaters. The other 3 seats will be occupied by unsuspecting victims like you. So RED and BLUE are occupied by the same person using 2 accounts via the proxy method and BROWN is in communication with his proxy buddy with instant messanger. So use your imagination and you can figure out the rest. But in the end, you, being GREEN, do not stand a chance. I have personally witnessed this scenario over 18 times in November alone with Dr. Zoiderberger. And on other note, to give you some insight into the titans arrogance, the k-dice month-end-winners are decided in advance most of the time. I hope that this serves as an eye opener for everyone who loves this game as much as I do. And Ryan, I challenge you to squash these morons if you want this site to grow.
Tuscony on Sunday November 29, 2009
This is a post and not a review. I have placed it here to draw attention to the cheating that occurs at the high levels of k-dice. So if you are like me, you played Risk as a kid (and some of you still are kids). The game was friendly and free from technology. There was that great sense of victory when you got the three cards to turn in and mobilize your forces into a strong position. There was also that not so great feeling when two of your buddies or siblings joined forces to take you down. But that is part of the game and is all good and fair fun. Fast forward to Ryans created world of K-dice. So Ryan created such an awesome game and a pretty cool community has evolved since. Like all communities, there are those who rise to the top by breaking the rules and playing by their own rules. And without naming people, everyone who is in the know realizes how the top has been ruled in K-dice for over 2 years. This is not speculation by the way. And while I am not here to judge those who attempt to win (and do win) via PGA and AIM, I have a difficult time playing this game with obnoxious and obsessed losers. I am calling out Zoid. I have played against him and his alternate accounts 100s of times. I have played under my own alts in an effort to see his methods. And after a week or two of doing some investigative work, I know that he and all of his accounts should be permanently banned. I have witnessed his method of cheating. I know that he was banned once for cheating. So Zoid does PGA, like that it news to anybody. In addition to this, Zoid plays several accounts at one time. He uses at least 3 IPs (likely more) AKA proxy cheating. For example, you will be sitting at a table and Zoid will be Blue (under his main) and Teal under one alt. You can figure out the rest. This is the worst form of cheating. Or so I thought it was. So here is why I am pissed. I called him out on cheating in general earlier in the week and we exchanged some words. And then yesterday I called him out on his proxy methods. He got really pissed. Well, low and behold, my main account was disconnected 3 times in one day from K-dice. Each time that I was disconnected, it happened right as I was going to take first or second. Amazingly, I was able to reconnect right after each one of the games had ended. So, Zoid has the ability to interrupt a players connection to K-dice. How, I dont know. Ryan will know though. So some of your will say - it is just a coincidence. And other will say - oh you lagged. Well here is my experience: I am on-line for my work and other stuff at least 4-12 hours every work day for the past 7 years. I have used AT&T service for 3 years and I have had ONLY two disruptions where all of my service goes out. That is it - twice. So yesterday, when my K-dice connection was lost, it only occurred on K-dice. How do I know? I have 2 other computers (with the same IP) that had perfect connections (one to a work site and one to a news site) during this disconnect. So the problem was not with my connection. Also, k-dice was not experiencing problems yesterday during my disconnections. I verified this by asking around. So anyway, one game in which this happened to me, was when I was playing against Dr Zoid (zoid alt) and backside (zoid alt) and toomuchcoffeeguy(TMCG). Bye the way, I was clueless that backside was also zoid at the time. So as it turns out, TMCG was in the lead and I was second. Dr Zoid was clearly in 4th. So he starts claiming that he deserves 1st. He starts claiming that he gave me second. He starts claiming that he could of wrecked people. Well the only way that this could be true is if he were to be backside. Then he starts attacking TMCG) and that is when my disconnection occurred. I ended up being 4th due to the disconnect. Well, I went back to the table after logging back on and I witness the finishing moves. Now backside (if he were not zoid) would have stayed out of everything since he was flagged 2nd. But backside at one point makes a move on TMCG after saying - now I can get you. Whoah. It should be noted that during the game there had been no battle or dispute between TMCG and backside. So out of the blue, backside starts attacking TMCG. Well, that was a MAJOR Zoid screw up. He typed his emotion on the wrong account. The emotion that fit Dr. Zoid came through the backside account. In poker, we call this a tell. And there were many other tells during the game that I will not go into. Tells that confirm that Dr. Zoid is backside. So anyway ban Dr Zoid, Backside, Dr. zoiderberg 69, and all the other BS alts that he cheats with. To prevent him from coming back again, ban his IPs as well. Peace out.
DoubleDogDareYa on Thursday November 26, 2009
Good Guy. Fun to play with.
wetmunchymamith on Thursday November 12, 2009
Captain Justice: sry for didnt respected your vflag in round 4 with 1 (one) land and you out in 4 position.
Tate73 on Sunday November 1, 2009
AssHole. killed me as when i was flagged
Captain Justice on Sunday November 1, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary