Level 73
to level 74 |
the full monteThis player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. I heard monte wears women's clothing while playing kdice.
killa mcgrill on Wednesday November 18, 2009 what a fucking idiot.
might i add, attention whore
captainLAGER on Wednesday November 18, 2009 good playyer thanks
marcosmarco on Wednesday November 18, 2009 ASS CLOWN AND A HALF!
He accepted my flag and then farmed me on a 2,000 table!
Don't trust him!
MarseRobert on Tuesday November 17, 2009 This guy is a huge pga don't enter a tournament with this noob he pga's the whole thing
riskmaster on Sunday November 15, 2009 Pga with kakku man...!
TeamRunge on Friday November 13, 2009 Fucking ass
Mountainman on Thursday November 12, 2009 Don't bother flagging to him. He will screw you after seemingly accepting it and growing in power.
Boloo on Thursday November 12, 2009 Don't trust him he will farm you
kill on sight
Wooot on Wednesday November 4, 2009 :D done
the fuII monte on Wednesday November 4, 2009 |