Level 59
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lief79Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Cool player. Had some good games with him.
Bachus on Tuesday June 23, 2015 Asshole, fucked me over for fun, PGE
Merlin_Athrawes on Wednesday September 7, 2011 complete moron, doesn't respect flags
imanema on Friday March 27, 2009 either a liar or just so stupid that he comes to erroneous conclusions and makes vapid accusations.
Either way a dick to be killed on sight.
BAMMBI on Friday March 27, 2009 Nide player. Let us play it out for lower positions even though it cost him a lot of dom.
wiggin1 on Wednesday March 25, 2009 he will kill you and not let you fight for position's. prick who deserve to get fucked in the game like he fuck other's, I could take 1 from him but I didn't and I didn't get even chance for roll off.
Fatman_x on Wednesday March 25, 2009 I try to play fair ... as I think the majority of comments show.
lief79 on Saturday March 21, 2009 You know that once truces come out it's a whole new game. There was no need for a nasty comment
leeeroy jenkins on Friday March 13, 2009 idiot, when dominating a table is totally unfair, kills people based on laziness, not on merit, total jerk.
Bozy on Wednesday March 11, 2009 didnt respect his flag to me because he claimed not seeing my in game truce, if he really didn't I apologize
tr1ckS on Wednesday March 11, 2009 |