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FratelanzaAdd a review about this player
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Clempson on Thursday July 16, 2015 2012-04-29 Fratelanza, the chat jerk and web boy, responded to my review of him from 2011-06--it only took him 10 months to come up with this: "This guy is going to be a mass murderer one day. He spends a shit load of time writing reviews on people, and he really might have something wrong with him. :\" Dear Readers, do you believe that Fratelanza believes I am going to be a mass murderer or do you believe, as I do, that Fratelanza is SO embarrassed by his own words and actions that he is covering up by lashing out as best he can (which is very feeble indeed)? Also, a hint for Fratelanza: try copy-and-paste--it makes leaving reviews with YOUR EXACT WORDS as easy as pie. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2011-06-02 Fratelanza shows his limitations, as always, in his new review of me: "holy shit this oakcliff kid is fuckin retarded" Web boys never have anything clever or useful to say, do they? ++++++++++ 2011-05-29 Fratelanza continues along the normal web boy and chat jerk line with his highly predictable review of me: "you have way to much spare time on your hands kid." Web boys and chat jerks always insist that this stuff is beneath them, that it is trivial, that it deserves no consideration, etc. The irony (which they miss, of course) is that they feel fine about acting like web boys and chat jerks in such a trivial situation. To web boys and chat jerks, everyone else is taking their actions WAY too seriously. That is the excuse they always make. In reality, THEY are trivial and not worth trifling with; the civilized and honorable do what we want with our time and it is all good. To heap the public scorn on Fratelanza that he deserves has nothing to do with HIM (he will not change); it is to remind the civilized and honorable that we are better than he is and to laugh at such as he. Dear Readers, that takes no time at all with such a trivial pest as Fratelanza, so he needn't worry his little head nor we ours. ++++++++++ 2011-05-19 Fratelanza is a web boy and chat jerk and quite happy about it, so he has that going for him. "Yawn." He had 1st place in a walk, but we all turned against him and he lost it--he even had to flag. Dear reader, YOU be the judge. Here is the chat--verbatim as always. Fratelanza is purple. ++++++++++ Fratelanza: so blue............... Fratelanza: you can flag me............... Darkblue: I know I can............... Fratelanza: ok............... Fratelanza: LOL ########## [Note: "lol" is a web boy favorite.]............... Fratelanza: your master plan............... Fratelanza: came down to 8v8............... oakcliff: that made sense to me............... Fratelanza: hmmm............... oakcliff: what choice did blue have?............... oakcliff: in the middle?............... Fratelanza: flag me............... Fratelanza: and fight............... oakcliff: flag to you? why?............... Fratelanza: lol............... oakcliff: rofl--lol--lmao -- pick one............... Fratelanza: i already did............... Fratelanza: dumbass ########## [Note: "dumbass" is a web boy favorite.]............... oakcliff: oh, a web boy!............... oakcliff: oh goody............... [Note: Blue leaves the table, Fratelanza takes his lands and has a large lead in 1st place. Yellow, red, and i remain.]............... Fratelanza: yell............... Fratelanza: let us fight 1/3 [Note: The "yawn" guy--so above Kdice--now bargains for position. We didn't know he cared so much.]............... oakcliff: lol-rofl-lmao -- pick one............... Fratelanza: all............... Fratelanza: faggot ########## [Note: "faggot" is a REAL favorite of web boys. One of their top 3.]............... Fratelanza: yellow............... Fratelanza: why attack [Note: Yellow, red, and I are all fighting purple--he has that big a lead. I only have two lands left and am soon gone.]............... Fratelanza: -.-............... oakcliff: it is a REAL web boy!............... oakcliff: because you are a web boy............... Fratelanza: yawn [Note: "yawn" to prove how little this all means to him. Get it?]............... Fratelanza: stfu ########## [Note: "stfu" is a REAL favorite of web boys. One of their top 3.]............... oakcliff: "whatever" you mean?............... oakcliff: "yawn"--so pathetic............... Fratelanza: leave............... Fratelanza: lmao............... oakcliff: i'd rather watch you die............... Fratelanza: flag red [Note: The "yawn" guy DOES care about getting 2nd place in one Kdice game. Who knew?]............... oakcliff: if you believe purple will really flag... ............... oakcliff: unfair player, doesnt accept flags, wanted to give me second and to kill ryan0000, for nothing, perhaps dom. idiot............... oakcliff: that is just one of his reviews............... oakcliff: to which i will add another............... Fratelanza: yawn............... Fratelanza: its a reiewv............... oakcliff: with chat quotes............... oakcliff: can't fight your own words, purple............... oakcliff: you are a web boy and chat jerk............... oakcliff: can't fight that............... oakcliff: yawn............... oakcliff: whatever............... Fratelanza: shut the fuck up? cry less [Note: A favorite web boy and chat jerk point--you are just mad that you lost. They know THEY did not do anything wrong, right?]............... oakcliff: lmao-rofl-lol............... oakcliff: cry? i don't care about this game... ............... Fratelanza: obviously you die............... Fratelanza: do............... oakcliff: but i do care about the decline of the west which you represent [Note: One of MY favorite themes, the decline of the west as represented by Fratelanza and his kind.]............... offbrand: put up 2 yell............... oakcliff: purple gets a special little thrill from the anonymity of the internet............... oakcliff: it lets him act out............... offbrand: flag up pls yell............... Fratelanza: no luck............... Fratelanza: yawn............... Fratelanza: should have flagged you sooner............... oakcliff: yawn-whatever............... oakcliff: lol-rofl-lmao............... Fratelanza: oakcliff is so mad............... Fratelanza: hes still here............... Fratelanza: LOL............... oakcliff: LOL............... oakcliff: ROFL............... oakcliff: LMAO............... Fratelanza: LMAO............... Fratelanza: STILL HERE............... oakcliff: whatever............... Fratelanza: LOL............... Fratelanza: YOU MAD?............... oakcliff: STILL HERE............... oakcliff: not at all--i just go after web boys and chat jerks............... oakcliff: it is a hobby............... Fratelanza: YOU MDA?............... Fratelanza: MAD............... Fratelanza: ?............... oakcliff: whatever............... oakcliff: yawn............... Fratelanza: dont be so mad............... oakcliff: that is web boy talk............... Fratelanza: ty............... oakcliff: ty............... oakcliff: whatever............... Fratelanza: dont be so mad thanks............... oakcliff: don't be mad when you read your own words in your review............... oakcliff: thanks............... oakcliff: web boys HATE being called on their rudeness............... oakcliff: they HATE it............... Fratelanza: lol............... oakcliff: LOL............... oakcliff: ROFL............... oakcliff: LMAO............... oakcliff: YAWN............... Fratelanza: lol your really mad............... Fratelanza: damn............... oakcliff: no, web boys and chat jerks give me a little thrill............... oakcliff: similar to the thrill you get from BEING a web boy and chat jerk............... Fratelanza: get mad............... Fratelanza: LOL............... oakcliff: you had 1st............... oakcliff: lol............... Fratelanza: your still here............... oakcliff: rofl............... Fratelanza: and mad as fuck ########## ............... Fratelanza: LOL............... oakcliff: so are you............... oakcliff: lol............... oakcliff: yawn............... oakcliff: whatever............... Fratelanza: i was playing............... Fratelanza: nerd ########### [Note: I must admit, web boys don't use that one as often. Good one, Fratelanza!]............... Fratelanza: LOL............... Fratelanza: get mad............... oakcliff: lol............... Fratelanza: at kdice............... Fratelanza: wow............... oakcliff: wow............... Fratelanza: your successful............... Fratelanza: LMAO............... Fratelanza: lol............... Fratelanza: wow............... Fratelanza: your pissed............... oakcliff: you are a web boy -- wow............... oakcliff: chat jerk -- wow............... Fratelanza: you said the same thing............... Fratelanza: 100 times............... Fratelanza: and your STILL here............... Fratelanza: LOL............... oakcliff: and you............... oakcliff: lol............... Fratelanza: i was playing............... oakcliff: still here............... Fratelanza: like i just said............... Fratelanza: dumbass............... oakcliff: wow............... Fratelanza: WOW............... oakcliff: wow............... Fratelanza: oakclif............... oakcliff: lol............... Fratelanza: mad boy............... oakcliff: rofl............... oakcliff: chat jerk............... Fratelanza has left ++++++++++ If Fratelanza learns some manners, civilized people will welcome him back with open arms. Manners before Kdice!
oakcliff on Tuesday July 3, 2012 baccstaber...
Pacu? on Sunday July 17, 2011 flaged for 4th, attacked me for no reason, and gave blue 4th, dont even accept a roll, dumbass! fucking despotism!
Vilosofy on Tuesday June 7, 2011 he is a trucer, pga! dont trust !!!!!Ü
Humbala Bumbala on Tuesday May 10, 2011 useemsomad. don't hurt yourself in the future pl0x
skillz999 on Tuesday May 3, 2011 unfair player, doesnt accept flags, wanted to give me second and to kill ryan0000, for nothing, perhaps dom.
Trashmonkey on Friday April 15, 2011 You are not his body guard. Let us fight for it. No need to step in. He has the same chance to beat me with 8v8.
RollinLikeAChamp on Tuesday March 29, 2011 oakcliff is a big fan of mine.
Fratelanza on Friday March 25, 2011 If you get so bored while people are fighting then do everyone a favour and flag out and quit whining
aj 14 on Saturday March 19, 2011 |