Level 53
to level 54


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This player has 3 contributions to the community

Recognized on 12:27 PM, Saturday December 1, 2012 EST by jurgen
Thank you for your efforts to spice up KDice with the challenges you organised!
Recognized on 6:27 PM, Wednesday September 12, 2012 EDT by Rowdyazell
Have another one on me
Recognized on 2:07 PM, Monday August 20, 2012 EDT by KDICEMOD
Kehoe told me to

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 21 - 30 of 39 Next › Last »

scumbag criminal, avoid at all costs. Unless playing Kdice. Then he is a respectful and fun guy.
Cameron Lucas on Monday May 11, 2015
a fat nerd. get a job you ugly mofucka
Kurwa_pendecho on Sunday May 10, 2015
Yeah sorry have been a bit busy, can you e-mail me at [email protected]?
{A}Monkey SLayer on Friday October 5, 2012
Doesn't respect a flag he have accepted
moijk the viking on Tuesday October 2, 2012
womp womp. [:
superxchloe on Thursday September 6, 2012
What a nice person a contributer for the society
Melphis on Thursday September 6, 2012
I agree with Chance. Best person on kdice is easily Pursey.
MaskotCC on Saturday September 1, 2012
Easily the best person on kdice.
wrestlerchance on Saturday September 1, 2012
good player
Fieri on Wednesday August 8, 2012
fuck you sistr idiot big idiot pga dont respect flaged!
bivo on Tuesday August 7, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary