Level 45
to level 46


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This player has been modded by the community

Player has been tagged as permanently banned. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post fiero600 4:07 AM, Wednesday July 9, 2008 EDT
Returning "can play" rights. Nobody posted why it was gone in the first place... +play Grunvagr 11:28 PM, Sunday July 6, 2008 EDT

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cute pic ; p
blaman on Sunday April 20, 2008
yes please do.....then see the notes of the people who left me notes.
Mudshovel on Sunday April 20, 2008
I've been playing since march now and I've never seen anybody that has been as sore of a loser as this guy. He whined and whined so much the other players in the room was telling him to seek professional help. The funny thing is what he was whining about. He tried to truce another player when there was three of us left. The other player didn't answer him...I tried to truce the other player after that and he didn't answer me either. so I was fighting this guy and I had offered the other guy first if he helped me. well instead the other guy attacked me and I finished nightstalker off and then fought off the other guy. Nightstalker hung around and complained that I lied to the other guy cause i didn't give him first. Even the other guy said he understood me not giving him first after he had attacked me but Nightstalker still kept up his rant. And went on to leave me player notes calling me a douchebag and other colorful comments. Anyway...That's the fact of Nightstalker's beef with me.
Mudshovel on Sunday April 20, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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