Level 54
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akca03 on Saturday October 29, 2011
Uses homophobic slurs.
CammellRoeg on Thursday October 13, 2011
PGA with ak47. Backstabber and offensive language.
Wilky on Thursday October 13, 2011
1/2 fight. We made it to round 133 and we were still in the same spots we started in. A brilliant player, great to talk to and a pleasure to sit with.
CheshireUZ on Wednesday October 5, 2011
good player
GhanBuri on Thursday September 29, 2011
Lol unfair player killflag player
H3artQuake on Monday September 26, 2011
PGA with jadeybaby and an obnoxious shit
Help, I'm a rock on Tuesday September 6, 2011
No need to write a fucking ridiculous review because as i have seen you have alot of those, Thanks for ruining my chance of getting third you fucking homo dick sucker and btw you won teal not cause you'r good, it's cause you fucking 2v1 him with purple you asshole, i hope you burn in hell and leave that game never flagging to you again what so ever you backstabbing piece of donkey motherfucking shit.
Omarinho on Tuesday September 6, 2011
2011-09-04 jfdis proudly announces his pseudo-skill: "i learned to rape men in prison." It is pseudo because jfdis was told in prison (and he believed it, apparently) that losing a game of Kdice is rape. The criminal mind is subtle, surely, but not THAT subtle. Chat text is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ 3.14159: pie are square--my teacher told me that ---------- 3.14159: but it looks rounds to me ---------- InvaderX: squared ---------- InvaderX: lulz ---------- isupreme1: triangles rule ---------- isupreme1: i clearly dont ---------- 3.14159: pie aren't square? ---------- 3.14159: good ---------- 3.14159: pie are round! ---------- jfdis: wow brown ---------- jfdis: nice start ---------- jfdis: fag ########## [Note: In prison, jfdis also learned that a nice start in Kdice is homosexual. Apparently he believed it.] ---------- InvaderX: i know ---------- isupreme1: shut up ---------- 3.14159: sorry, boys--flag brown ---------- InvaderX: ok ---------- jfdis: same ---------- InvaderX: k ---------- 3.14159: great--NOW he wakes up :) ---------- jfdis: im going to hump you in the anus ########## [Note: jfdis is about to attack me and he believes that is rape.] ---------- 3.14159: i doubt it ---------- jfdis: i don't ---------- jfdis: i learned to rape men in prison ########## [Note: Some guys learn woodshop; jfdis learned that winning at Kdice is rape.] ---------- 3.14159: i have fast internet but not THAT fast ---------- jfdis: im good at it ---------- jfdis: told you [Note: jfdis beat me in that game; he thinks he raped me.] ---------- [Note: We have moved on to another table and the next game.] ---------- 3.14159 is here ---------- jfdis is here ---------- jfdis: told you purp... ---------- jfdis: im a total rapist hard ass ########## ---------- 3.14159: jfdis, is THAT what they told you anal rape was in prison? ---------- 3.14159: you were misinformed ---------- jfdis: really? ---------- jfdis: felt just like it ########## [Note: jfdis FEELS Kdice. What do they NOT learn in prison?] ---------- 3.14159: and you BELIEVED it ---------- 3.14159: they saw you coming, as it were ---------- jfdis: felt like your will was breaking as i was giving it to you from behind ########## [Note: "Giving it to you from behind." From behind what--the monitor? The mouse? The keyboard? My Internet is good but not THAT good.] ---------- jfdis: felt exactly the same as i remember it ########## [Note: It felt EXACTLY (!) the same as he remembers it. Kind of amazing that they play Kdice in prison, huh?] ---------- Therius: Oh pi, you are too good! ---------- 3.14159: see? they REALLY fooled you ---------- jfdis: damn ---------- Therius: Lol. ---------- jfdis: hate being fooled ---------- 3.14159: but okay ---------- 3.14159: i'm glad you found contentment in prison ---------- jfdis: probably have to commit a felony and get put back in so i can straighten things out back i prison ---------- 3.14159: just violate your parole ---------- 3.14159: isn't that easier?> ---------- jfdis: off parole ---------- jfdis: so...no ---------- jfdis: not easier ---------- 3.14159: good for you ---------- jfdis: goodthinking though ---------- 3.14159: see? you are making a brand new start ---------- jfdis: you're a bright one ---------- 3.14159: hmmm, most people think i am fairly stupid--but thanks ---------- Therius: Man, Pi, I was on your side--and now I HATE you. ---------- Therius: Why you take all my lands? ---------- Therius: So... unnecessary. ---------- 3.14159: just connecting--what else is there? ---------- twenn: its the meth ---------- twenn: he cant help it ---------- Therius: Lol. ---------- jfdis: you made it past 6th grade obviously...much smarter than me ---------- 3.14159: i checked the rules, green--they only let one of us win the game ---------- Therius: Now I like Teal. ---------- Therius: He'll prolly take my lands next. ---------- Therius: Depends on how you see thinks, Purp. ---------- twenn: dont screw with my 2 block ---------- Therius: I consider 4th place a win. ---------- 3.14159: it all sort of evens out, green ---------- Therius: And on up. ---------- jfdis: i think blu is gong to rape me now...but pi doesn't think thats what it isi ---------- 3.14159: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, right? ---------- twenn: sometimes you win, usually you lose ---------- jfdis: yeah...feels like rap to me still ########## ---------- Therius: lol. That Teal. ---------- Therius: He's pretty good. ---------- 3.14159: feels like rape? man, those guys REALLY did a number on you didn't they? ---------- twenn: im reading it from a book ---------- jfdis: i guess so
3.14159 on Sunday September 4, 2011
Fair player. Pleasure to play with him
Mordred on Friday August 12, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary