Level 54
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skrumgaerThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. IFIGENIUS keeps posting udder vile stuff unprovoked. Needs his privilege checked. Example:
dnaa: i tried anyhow i mean you made it so inviting
IFIGENIUS: ur move was nonsense dnaa
IFIGENIUS: u should take all north
generalissimus S: your moves were also nonsense
avesano is here
IFIGENIUS: gen, just shut up ur shity mouth u retarded
IFIGENIUS: and back to 0 tables
Jackferret: ???
Jackferret: a bit much ifi
IFIGENIUS: to general?
IFIGENIUS: that kid is retarded
generalissimus S: probably older than you
generalissimus S: at least mentally
IFIGENIUS: sure u r not
generalissimus S: and u proved it
IFIGENIUS: just shut up
generalissimus S on Friday November 2, 2018 "virlomi: go kill yourself, dick"
Replay: http://kdice.com/games/76224319
Unacceptable to say such vile things in game, not the first time either.
DonnieScribbles on Tuesday October 11, 2016 I would like you to know that I saw a falcon-eagle-vulture looking thing flying over my head while I was on top of Owls Head Mtn, and he circled & chilled with me for a while. I took a photo and posted it to my blog, and named him skrumvagr, in your honor. It is only just now that I realized your name is in fact not skrumvagr but actually skrumgaer, but his name is permanent, and it is still supposed to be in your honor. Congrats.
JUSTcallmePRE on Monday August 25, 2014 nice guy
kudoukun on Wednesday September 18, 2013 asshole player!!!
one4 on Wednesday September 11, 2013 count me in for tazd 2013
Lady Lite on Saturday August 17, 2013 respect
Buttwank on Saturday August 10, 2013 yohann2008sex has an incredibly offensive avatar, please remove. Also, where are complaints supposed to be filed?
Jane Doe on Saturday May 25, 2013 honorable player
eurasianbro on Monday May 21, 2012 A technically good player but will draw out a game just to annoy other players.
MikeG on Thursday May 17, 2012 |