
I think KDice should have...

or, vote for an existing idea if you think its a good one.

By the most votes

 IdeasLast Comment/VoteVotesReplies
A Delete Account Button 2020-04-19 22:13:58.0
by 5K Trucer
57 15
WHEN someone FLAGS, make it more noticeable by doing things such as increasing the size of the flag, adding a sound effect, and putting the word "FLAG" beside the picture of the FLAG. 2015-01-23 06:20:52.0
by Agent Mulder
57 25
have replays of games? 2015-12-01 06:04:32.0
by hcdug
54 14
Add a button to the ideas page so you can say 'bad idea' 2014-11-24 23:48:19.0
by Smoke Two Joints
51 7
ryan should stop sucking 2012-05-21 16:11:07.0
by Not Veta
48 47
Delete Account (provide the option) 2017-03-13 10:24:29.0
by mgrinber
47 13
List to add your PGE's with their avatars and names 2014-07-06 15:48:26.0
by C7_699
47 18
Allow 2 players to start 2player privat unrated tournament to settle disputes in a kdice way. 2013-03-22 18:01:18.0
by JUSTcallmePRE
47 15
Advisor History Log 2012-05-20 15:41:28.0
by finesse (>'-')>
46 28
Sound Options (turn indicator) 2009-08-29 19:06:04.0
by IlllIlIIlI
43 11
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary